Understanding addiction from not only a scientific aspect but also from a spiritual perspective is crucial when treating an individual suffering from substance abuse and addiction. In scripture, addictions are viewed as voluntary slavery (Biblical Counseling Coalition, 2019). One must understand not only the spiritual elements that can help treat addiction but also the biological elements as well. Some addicts need to have attention provided through pharmaceutical assistance in the treatment of their addiction. That does not mean a secondary treatment option could not be from a spiritual perspective. It is a good idea for a Christian to be well-rounded in all aspects of treatment options for addiction. It is crucial, especially as an addiction professional, to dig deep into a patient's lifestyle, background, and beliefs. To understand the different cultural dynamics is essential. Spiritual means of treatment may not always be the most beneficial or effective if the individual is not spiritual. From a Christian perspective, substance abuse is considered both a sin and a disease. However, Christians believe the only way to overcome addiction is to stay strong in your faith, constant prayer and scripture, and continue to follow God. In my personal experience, although your higher power is crucial to your recovery, sadly, it is not always the only option that will help
an individual recover from addiction. 1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us, “But when you are tempted, he [God] will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (Holy Bible: NIV, 2018).
This verse always reminded me that no matter where I may have been in my struggle. There would always be a way to find my way back to life before the addiction. References
Biblical Counseling Coalition | A Biblical Definition of Addiction
. (2019, July 22). Biblical Counseling Coalition. https://www.biblicalcounselingcoalition.org/2019/07/22/a-
Holy Bible: New International Version.
(2018). Zondervan.