Consider 3-4 of the most common groups for children and adolescents. For example,
scholarly literature indicates that social skills groups for young children are a common
need and can be impactful.
When it comes to groups for children and adolescents, there are
more than a few that can be utilized to promote positive outcomes. The first example is child-
centered play therapy, which has demonstrated effectiveness in the improvement of emotional,
social, and behavioral outcomes (Ray et al., 2022, pg. 134). The second example is music
therapy or music interventions. Music-based intervention is a progressive type of psychotherapy
that has been utilized to eliminate psychological behavior disorders (Ye et al., 2021, pg. 2). This
could have significant beneficial outcomes for children who are exhibiting aggressive behavior.
The third and last example is cognitive-behavioral therapy. CBT’s primary focus is on teaching
children appropriate prosocial skills while helping them eliminate dysfunctional behavior
(Gladding, 2019).
Gladding, S. T. (2019). Groups (8th ed.). Pearson Education (US).
Ray, D. C., Burgin, E., Gutierrez, D., Ceballos, P., & Lindo, N. (2022). Child‐centered play
therapy and adverse childhood experiences: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of
Counseling and Development, 100
(2), 134-145.
Ye, P., Huang, Z., Zhou, H., & Tang, Q. (2021). Music-based intervention to reduce aggressive
behavior in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis.
Medicine (Baltimore), 100
(4), e23894-