Case Study: Christian Refusal of Antidepressants 1)
Could an understanding of the patient’s spiritual/religious values help the provider to better support him in his treatment? Why or why not? a)
An understanding of the patient’s spiritual/religious values can help the provider to better support him in his treatment by listening to his spiritual/religious values along with how those values are tied into his health can build trust between physician and patient. Being vigilant to the patient’s spiritual/religious beliefs and
practices can lead to earlier patient release dates, fewer medical errors and stronger communication between patient and provider.
Why might the patient have some reservations about anti-depressants? How might his reservations relate to his religious beliefs?
The patient probably has some reservations about the anti-depressants because he probably doesn’t want to “lose himself”. Taking antidepressants will cause the patient to become less of themselves and more of a zombie state because they are numb to everything around them. This reservation relates to his religious belief because Jesus wants his people to come to him as they are. If the patient comes to Jesus as he is, then he will be healed. 3)
How could the provider respectfully explore the patient's concerns around antidepressants?
The provider could simply ask the patient what his concerns are and he could do some research afterwards. Once the provider does both of those options, he could then try a holistic approach if the patient was open to it.