I think self-assessments are crucial in the healthcare field. As a healthcare provider, nurse practitioners will be expected to provide treatment to patients of all backgrounds, ethnicities and social class. Taking time to reflect on my own views can be a very challenging task for me and I’m sure other providers feel the same way. Although it seems like busywork, being aware of my
beliefs and reflecting on them will help me to know where I am struggling or where I feel I don’t provide enough care to my patients. This relates to being a culturally competent provider. I can’t
understand the lifestyle and beliefs of my patients if I don’t understand my own first. By understanding and upholding my beliefs, I can determine how to best treat patients with conflicting beliefs. All patients deserve to be treated with the utmost respect regardless of their beliefs and their own health practices. As a provider, I am there to support the patient in any way that I can. When it comes to at-risk populations, these patients are vulnerable. If they already feel like they can’t connect with the provider, they will be very reluctant to share important health information. Howard University College of Medicine. (n.d.). Cultural Competency provider self-assessment tool (CCPSA)
. AETC. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from https://www.aetcnmc.org/self-