Pre-lab #4 Assignment
Find a peer-reviewed scientific journal article (this must be primary research) related to an aspect of
biodiversity and provide the following information:
1. What is the title of the article?
Sleep deprivation alleviates depression-like behaviors in mice via inhibiting immune and inflammatory
pathways and improving neuroplasticity
2. What is the name of the journal?
Journal of Affective Disorders
3. What is/are the affiliation(s) of the authors?
Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai
200030, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders, Shanghai 201108, China
Mental Health Branch, China Hospital Development Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200030, China
4. In approximately three sentences, summarize the major findings of this paper:
Sleep deprivation in mice appeared to lower their depressive activity as well increase neuroplasticity.
This suggests an inverse relationship between the two. Mice undergoing restraint stress had more
depressive behaviors and less neuroplasticity
5. How would you properly cite this article in the Literature Review/Works Cited section of a lab report
(use APA format):
Shi, S., Zhang, M., Xie, W., Ju, P., Chen, N., Wang, F., Lyu, D., Wang, M., & Wu, H. (2023, November 1).
Sleep deprivation alleviates depression-like behaviors in mice via inhibiting immune and inflammatory
pathways and improving neuroplasticity
. Journal of Affective Disorders; Elsevier BV.