Medication name (Generic)
What is the class of the medication?
Why is this medication appropriate for this client?
Used to prevent and treat blood clots
Safe dose range
Continuous infusion: 5000 units (35-70 units/kg), followed by 20,000-40,000 units infused
over 24 hours.
Acceptable routes and rates (if applicable)
IV, SQ. 5000 units (35-70 units/kg)
Any critical assessment data (physical, labs, other medications, procedurally, interactions) you need
to evaluate prior to giving this medication
Assess for signs of bleeding, monitor aPTT and hematocrit, monitor platelet count, monitor
for hyperkalemia.
How you will evaluate the effectiveness of the medication
Assess aPTT times 1.5-2.5 w/o signs of hemorrhage, prevention of DVT’s.
How you will educate the client BEFORE administering this medication
Report any signs of bleeding immediately, do not take medications containing NSAIDS, use
a soft toothbrush, avoid razors and use electric razor instead.
Medication name (Generic)
What is the class of the medication?
Antidote, anti heparin
Why is this medication appropriate for this client?
Management of heparin overdose
Safe dose range
1mg/100 units of heparin
Acceptable routes and rates (if applicable)
IV, 10mg/mL
Any critical assessment data (physical, labs, other medications, procedurally, interactions) you need
to evaluate prior to giving this medication
Assess for allergy to fish, assess for hypovolemia before use, monitor clotting factors, ACT,
pTT, aPTT.
How you will evaluate the effectiveness of the medication
Control of bleeding and normalization of clotting factors.
How you will educate the client BEFORE administering this medication
Explain purpose of medication, instruct patient to report any bleeding immediately, advise
patients to avoid activities that may result in bleeding.