Research proposal
I will focus on the lack of regulation for in-vitro fertilization in the United States. I will
use this information in order to construct my own argument about why in-vitro fertilization is an
experiment rather than medicine.
My question is: How well versed and reliable are the
regulators for IBF? The Resources I will use will be from scholarly sources confirming
reliability of regulators such as the CDC or the Center for Genetics and Society. I will also use
media prospects in order to show the lack of knowledge of the public.
I will use the data of their
successes and downfalls in order to connect the poorly regulated process to why it is an
experiment rather than a medical procedure. My paper will show how lightly regulated the in-
vitro process is. I will argue that the lack of regulation and importance of the IVF world makes
the process an experiment rather than a medical procedure.