Homework 6



Houston Community College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Mechanical Engineering


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by MagistrateOxide25230

1) What is the purpose of a pump? The primary purpose of a pump is to move fluids (liquids or gases) from one place to another. Pumps are used to increase the fluid's kinetic energy, allowing it to overcome resistance and flow through pipes or systems. 2) What are the two categories of pumps? Dynamic Pumps: These pumps use a rotating impeller to create a centrifugal force that pushes the fluid outward and increases its velocity. Positive Displacement Pumps: These pumps trap a fixed volume of fluid and then displace it by mechanically reducing the volume, providing a constant flow rate. 3) List the seven Centrifugal pump components. Suction Inlet Outlet Impeller Bearing and seal Casing or housing 4) What is a positive displacement pump? A positive displacement pump is a type of pump that moves a fixed or measured amount of fluid with each cycle of operation. It provides a constant flow rate regardless of discharge pressure. 5) What is the purpose of pump seals? Pump seals are used to prevent leakage of fluid from the pump along the rotating shaft. They help maintain the integrity of the pump's internal components and prevent contamination or loss of the 6) What is the purpose of bearings? Bearings in a pump support the rotating shaft and reduce friction between moving parts. They help transmit the load and allow the shaft to rotate smoothly. 7) What is head pressure on a pump? Head pressure, also known as head, is the height at which a pump can raise a fluid. It represents the energy imparted to the fluid by the pump and is typically measured in feet or meters of fluid. It accounts for both the pressure and elevation changes in the system. 8) What causes cavitation? Cavitation occurs when the pressure of a fluid drops below its vapor pressure, causing the formation of vapor bubbles. This can happen in a pump when:
The pump operates at low inlet pressures. There are obstructions or restrictions in the suction line. The pump speed is too high for the system. 9) What can excessive vibration cause? Excessive vibration in a pump can lead to several issues, including: Premature wear and failure of components. Reduced pump efficiency. Increased maintenance and repair costs. Safety risks to personnel. 10) How can you fix vapor lock on a pump? Vapor lock in a pump can be mitigated by: Ensuring proper priming of the pump. Reducing suction line restrictions. Increasing suction pressure if possible. Adjusting the operating conditions to prevent cavitation. 11) What is the five roles the PT has in the operations and maintenance of pumps? Monitor oil levels to make sure they are satisfactory Make sure water is not collecting in the lubricating oil (water is not a lubricant, so it can cause bearing failure) Examine seals and flanges to make sure there are no leaks Observe suction and discharge pressures Monitor differential pressure across strainers/screens
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