A marketing strategy is often referred to as “a business’s overall game plan” (Barone, 2023 para. 1), it focuses on the start and end goal, along with the action steps and contributions needed to achieve the desired score. However, as many sports fans will tell you, a game plan is not created with ease as it encompasses a broad range of strategic potential solutions if the outcomes of the game change. This is the type of mindset and concept that needs to be implemented in a business’s strategic plan to ensure success in any market it enters. Due to the complexity of the current market, I believe the most challenging part of the marketing strategy to implement effectively is the promotion aspect. When discussing promotion, we look at the “advertising, public relations, and overall media strategy” (Twin, 2023 para. 27) that is devoted to the introduction and maintenance of the product. The overall goal of promotion is to “communicate to consumers that they need this product” (Twin, 2023 para.27). Although it may sound like a simple goal, the market, demands, patterns, and generations often change what the needs are of the current customer base. This often leads companies to re-frame their delivery for their messaging or begin to produce new products. The idea however is to continue to focus on strengthening the messaging needed for companies to continue to profit from their product without having to go through product elimination. The changes in the market often also mean that to effectively execute the promotion aspect of your marketing strategy extensive research is needed. Companies such as Redbox, Kodak, and Blockbuster have disappeared due to the lack of evolution of both their product and promotional aspects. Ideally, the goal is to continue to seek what the market desires and create a
morphological analysis of your product to evaluate if its current features are to part or how can you highlight your features to persuade your customer base. Companies such as Red Bull have successfully been able to use their promotional aspects to continue to attract their customers to buy their products. Red Bull focuses primarily on “creating content and experiences people would be interested in” (CoSchedule Blog, 2023 Para 2). By implementing a strategy of going “wherever their audience is” (CoSchedule Blog, 2023 Para 6), Red Bull creates buzz around their product for free. This leads us to the complexity that can also surround promotion, which is focusing on the physiological aspects of advertising and playing into the emotions, memories, and key associations you want the customer base to associate with your product. If done correctly, the result will be like Red Bull’s
which is reaching a competitive advantage in the market. If done incorrectly, it can lead to not only the elimination of the product but negative emotions and thoughts to be associated with the
brand affecting the overall performance of the business. Lastly, I believe the promotional aspect of the marketing strategy is the most difficult to implement due to the cost it can bring to the company. With a good marketing strategy, the product can excel in any market however with an ineffective strategy “even the best product in the world doesn’t stand a chance” (Novak, 2023 para. 14). This shows us the impact that cost, thoughts, emotions, and access to research can bring to a product and all these concepts are part of an effective promotional execution.