Kids.com is an online retailer that buys clothing from a variety of brand name manufacturers
at less-than-regular wholesale prices and then charges customers less than retail. Kids.com is an example of a(n) ________. Independent off price retailers
Which type of retailer typically carries deep product assortments of narrow product lines? Specialty stores 3.
What is most likely the first major marketing decision that a retailer must take? Segmentation
________ focuses the entire marketing process–from product and brand development to logistics, promotion, and merchandising–toward turning shoppers into buyers as they move along toward the point of sale. Shopper Marketing 5.
Grace and her fiancé visit several furniture stores in and around their hometown of Milwaukee. They use their smartphones to capture information about manufacturers and pricing, and ultimately decide to purchase their favorite items online. This is referred to as ________. Showrooming 6.
Charging higher prices on an everyday basis, coupled with frequent sales and other price promotions to increase store traffic, create a low-price image, or attract customers who will buy other goods at full prices is referred to as ________ pricing. High Low 7.
Retail convergence most likely leads to _______ Reduced differentiation 8.
Which types of stores are characterized by specialty goods for which customers need assistance and higher operating costs that are passed along to customers as higher prices? Full service stores 9.
________ refers to the activities involved in selling products or services directly to final consumers for their personal, nonbusiness use. Retailing 10.
_______ refer to two or more outlets that are commonly owned and controlled. Corporate Chain
In a promotion mix, ________ performs the functions of building a good rapport with entities outside the company, building up a good corporate image, and handling unfavorable rumors
and events. Public Relations. 12.
A pharmaceutical manufacturer offers monetary incentives to its sales representatives to promote a new drug to the medical professionals in their respective geographic territories. This is an example of a ________ strategy. Pull
Which of the following is most likely a difference between advertising and sales promotion? Advertising can trigger quick sales, while sales promotions cannot.
Rather than just creating and placing "TV ads" or "print ads" or "Snapchat branded stories," many marketers now view themselves more broadly as ________ managers. Content Marketing 15.
Trainstar, a sportswear equipment manufacturer, releases a new line of energy drinks called VitaZing. The television ad for the energy drink shows people jogging, working out in a gym, and doing aerobics. The actors then take a break to drink VitaZing, which visibly re-energizes them and leads them to continue exercising. Which advertising methods most likely used in the VitaZing ad? Lifestyle 16.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a magazine as an advertising medium? It involves high cost
When a company issues a press release to announce a sizable donation to a national charity,
it is using ________ to generate goodwill and maintain a positive corporate image. Public relations