5.Choose two SNHU resources (departments and resources that are part of SNHU) and two social supports(people, places, and things outside of SNHU) that will help the most with achieving your mission
and goals, andthat will help you prioritize your time. Also indicate why these resources and social supports are key for yoursuccess.
●24/7 Drop In Tutoring
The drop in tutoring tool will be very beneficial for me in ensuring my own academicsuccess because I have a very busy schedule and I often am most able to work on myschoolwork in the later hours. So by having a tool like this where I can reach out for helpon my schedule, it provides me with even more opportunities for success.●Instructor Feedback●The instructor feedback tool in the grades section has been a really helpful tool for meand my success at SNHU. This is because I am able to go to that section to find out howwell I did and also find out specifically what I did well and what I did wrong. That way Iknow what I can improve on in the future.●My household and family●Utilizing my household and family
is a key resource in ensuring my academic successbecause they are available to help me anytime that I need it and they can help me inmany different ways. They can help me by offering feedback on my assignments, helpingme by talking out some challenges I may be facing and also by providing mental andemotional support when I become overwhelmed.
List your personal academic mission statement.●It is my personal mission statement to have a successful
career in Cyber Security which will help mecreate a better life for my family
List your THREE short-term academic goals.●Complete all assignments by the due date and submit no late assignments●Receive a 4.0 GPA for my first year at SNHU●Learn a new programming language
Escribe the importance of setting goals on your academic journey.●It is important for my academic journey to set goals. This is because when I know where I want to go,I can get there faster by being better prepared and having goals to get me there. Having goals alsobreaks things down in a way that’s easier for me to understand and it makes it a little lessoverwhelming trying to get to my goals
Explain how you are going to stay motivated to achieve your goals and mission statement, based on what
youhave learned in SNHU 107.●My personal mission statement and short-term goals are able to keep me motivated and on-tracktowards my goals by giving me something to work towards and look forward to. This is beneficial tome because it makes it easier for me to break down my goals into simple steps that are easier for meto complete. It is also really helpful because when I have a really big, long-term goal that I’m tryingto work towards, it can make me feel overwhelmed trying to see it as the long-term of how I’m goingto get there
. Explain why an awareness of diversity is beneficial to giving and receiving feedback when collaborating withothers.●Being aware of diversity is really important anytime you’re interacting with others but specificallywhen giving and receiving feedback, recognizing diversity can help you better give feedback to