SNHU 107 Module Six Journal Template
Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Submit for grading and feedback. 1.
Why do you think feedback from others is important?
Feedback from others allows us to gain multiple viewpoints from many different cultures, educations, professions, etc. It also helps to motivate us. Letting an individual know if they are on the right path can help keep someone on that path in general. Speaking to others about an issue or idea you have can completely change the way you have been thinking about it. Everyone’s brain is different, so utilizing more than one is always best. 2.
Describe your perceptions regarding receiving feedback. How does receiving feedback make you
feel? How can you improve your reaction to feedback?
I tend to be very open to feedback due to the intense training I had as a child for tennis. I never felt any need to argue with someone twice my age, with twice my experience. I noticed that there is no harm in trying or at least listening to someone’s thought process, as there is most likely important information to take away from it. With that being said, I am always very skeptical on the care behind sometimes intentions. In the future, I hope to work on allowing myself to be more open to the idea that someone is helping merely from the kindness of their heart. I think this would save me a lot of time and allow me to make deeper connections. 3.
Describe how you can use past feedback to inform how you give and receive feedback now. What have you learned from past experiences in which you received feedback?
Before attending SNHU, most of my feedback whether it be for tennis, life, or my education, has revolved around “slowing down.” I have always involuntarily tried to move too fast with all my tasks and end up making mistakes. I can use the knowledge of this, however, to constantly check my work over, assuring there are no or minimal mistakes.
Whenever I receive feedback and apply it to the next assignment or task, I realize that no matter what there was a change. Whether the change was positive for myself, I learn something new almost every time from it. This is a very important part of feedback because even if the comments did not work for me specifically on this task, I could apply them elsewhere that will. 4.
Describe the impact that diversity awareness has on giving and receiving feedback when communicating and collaborating with others. What problems could you run into if you do not understand diversity awareness when communicating and collaborating with others?
Diversity is the heart of good feedback. Without discussing your issue or topic with a
diverse audience, you are going to be left speaking to a group of people who already
agree with what you are saying. Everyone likes to be told they are right, but no one learns that way. By providing a diverse group for review, it introduces multiple views
from all over the world whether it be culturally diverse or a diversity in careers. With those views one can expand their thinking past a group similar to their thought