Think of two distinct brands that compete directly with each other.
Two separate brands that are in direct competition with one another are Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
What is the customer value proposition for the two competitors?
The distinctive flavor of Coca-Cola and the emotional connection that the company
establishes with its customers through its marketing efforts constitute the customer value proposition for the company. Pepsi's value proposition is comprised of its youthful image and inventive marketing methods that are designed to appeal to the younger generation for whom the product is intended.
Is this value proposition sustainable?
In the event that both businesses continue to develop and adjust their offerings in response to shifting consumer tastes, then the value propositions in question are really sustainable.
Identify the points of parity for each brand.
Coca-Cola and Pepsi are comparable in that they both sell carbonated soft drinks, they are sold all over the world, and they both offer a wide range of tastes and types of beverages. These are the points of differentiation between the two companies.
Develop a positioning statement for both brands based on your research.
The positioning statement for Coca-Cola may be something along the lines of "Coca-Cola, the original cola drink that offers a unique taste and creates an emotional connection with consumers through shared moments of happiness."
The positioning statement for Pepsi may be something along the lines of "Pepsi, the choice of the new generation, offers a refreshing taste and innovative experiences that resonate with the spirit of the young."
Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., & Chernev, A. (2021). Marketing Management (16th ed.). Pearson Education (US).