Some specific steps I could take to better prepare an employee for an expatriate assignment would be providing research into cultural differences they may encounter to make sure they understand what is expected, as well as how they may be perceived so as to make adjustments to improve relations and avoid misunderstandings. When my best friend moved to Scotland her work provided a local guide to mentor her in her interactions for the first few days so she can get better acclimatized to differences she may encounter culturally. I think something like that would be beneficial to help minimize issues that could arise.
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Compare the culture of the United States to any country of your choice that is NOT in North America. What are the differences in cultural scores between the two countries (please list)? How might Americans need
to adjust their behaviors to achieve a better cultural fit when moving to the new country for an expatriate position? Be specific.
Power Distance: United States 40 vs Italy 50.
Individualism: United States 60 vs Italy 53
Motivation: United States 62 vs Italy 70
Uncertainty Avoidance: United States 46 vs Italy 75
Long-Term Orientation: United States 50 vs Italy 39
Indulgence: United States 68 vs Italy 30
Americans may need to adjust managerial styles if moving to Italy in that role because according to this, Italian younger generations do not react well to formal supervision and prefer to
work as a team with open management styles. Additionally, there is a big disparity in uncertainty avoidance with Italy scoring much higher so that means bureaucracy and formalities are very important in business practices. This results in valuing a lot of stressful detailed planning so an American should be accommodating in following all the rules and steps for due process in business dealings. With a lower long-term orientation and indulgence, Italians will be more restrained and have a strong concern with respect for traditions and focus on achieving quick results while having a tendency for cynicism and pessimism. Americans are conversely more of a