The Job Descriptive Questionnaire was a very eye-opening questionnaire. While my job is very impactful and fulfilling, the toll that it takes on my mental health cannot be understated. My current role scored a 0% in both “pay” and “opportunities for promotion”, less than a 50% in
“supervision”, “job in general”, and “people on your present job”. The only category that scored about a 50% was “work on present job” with an 83%. These scores were apparent with my satisfaction in my current role but seeing the actual scores was quite startling. Working in the non-profit sector, pay and opportunities for promotion are both aspects of my career that I knew going into the sector would be tough. While I am paid what I feel is competitively, the organization has almost no work-life balance and I am expected to work sometimes 80+ hours a week during peak season. There is also no opportunities for growth within the organization as leadership prefers to hire externally instead of promoting from within. It is not surprising to me that the highest score of the quiz was in the actual work that I do on a daily basis, as that is exactly what has kept me at the company for so long. In the Work Design Questionnaire, my role scored high in task variety, task significance, and task identity. My role scored low in work scheduling autonomy, decision-making autonomy, work methods autonomy, and feedback from job. In my role I do not often have the same day twice. I am constantly traveling across the state of Colorado hosting events and lectures, as well as managing interns and connecting with potential recruitment event sponsor. However, due to extreme micro-management from organization leadership, I have very little autonomy in any form. The work that I do in my role is incredibly impactful and significant not just to my life, but to the lives of my patients. I am good at what I do, and I enjoy what I do, but the leadership and structure within the organization make it very difficult for me to see myself in this role for a significant length of