Position Paper #2
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Name: ________Gage Irlmeier__________
General Instruction
The purpose of these position papers is to confirm that you engaged with the course content covered during course sessions and in the assigned readings. To any non
-multiple-choice answers, you should communicate your thoughts in clear and concise English. Question 1 (1 pts)
The 3D Robotics case (
) illustrates how the internet can facilitate innovation and venture creation. Chris Anderson, who was the editor of Wired Magazine at
the time, started his own business in what industry? □
Medical equipment industry
Internet game industry
Drone Industry
Mountain bike industry
Question 2 (2 pts)
Chris Anderson founded this company in collaboration with a business partner that he met on the internet as he was creating an internet portal to find and share ideas with other enthusiasts about the new invention he was interested in. Describe in your own words what you found remarkable about Chris' business partner! (max 100 words)
Response: I found it very remarkable that his business partner Jordi Munoz was only 20 years old and messed around with remote control helicopters in his garage. Munoz was also interesting because he created his
own self-made autopilot which essentially lead to the idea to focus on drone systems.
Question 3 (2 pts)
The success of 3D Robotics was relatively short-lived even though the company was able to raise about 100 milion USD to engaged in mass producing and mass marketing their product. In your own words what were some of the key reasons? (100 words)
Response: Some of the key reasons 3D robotics was relatively short lived was because of technological obstacles and trust issues with retail stores. 3D Robotics launch of Solo failed as the GPS system at times would not establish a reliable connection, which would result in the drone taking off or crashing. 3D Robotics also faced trust issues with retail stores such as Best Buy which ultimately lead to lack of sales since Best Buy can send back unsold inventory. Their main problem was that they based their predictions off of “sell in” versus “sell through” figures. Overall, 3D robotics faced manufacturing issues which lead to many stores to no longer sell their drone’s towards the end of their presence, Question 4 (1 pt)
According to our discussion of traditional innovation management strategies, what allows large established companies to undertake very risky projects? Pick each answer that you consider correct.
The ability to afford project failures (slack resources, deep pockets)
The ability to diversify risk across multiple projects