Should ethical hacking be encouraged?
As a cybersecurity major this issue is an important issue.This argument is intended to be used to
influence cybersecurity professionals. Because of it’s audience, accuracy as well as current and
up to date information is necessary. Also the legalities of ethical hacking must be addressed. The
goal of this argument is to persuade individuals in the field of cybersecurity of the importance of
supporting and usefully utilizing ethical hacking to benefit society. The increase in cyber
stalking, along with the continual growth of technology, and preventing unethical hackers from
profiting through the plight of individuals or companies targeted are key points of this argument.
The legalities of ethical hacking will also be discussed. There are two articles that I will be using
to support the argument that ethical hacking is necessary. They are “
Comparative study of the
phases of ethical hacking and the phases of cyber kill chain
” by Rashi Verma and “From black to
white: the regulation of ethical hacking in Spain” by Cristina Del-Real. Rashi Verma’s article
will support the growth and need for regulation of cybercrime. Cristina Del-Real’s article will
help support the ethical guidelines and use of ethical hacking standards. The argument for
supporting ethical hacking will be reinforced by using Verma’s details of the process of using
ethical hacking to stop or prevent cyberattacks and Del-Real’s information on the regulations
Spain uses for ethical hacking and keeping ethical hacking practices legal.