In this review paper, Goh and Wong discuss the role of research within educational leadership. They talk about how research influences leadership behaviors, promotes organizational learning, and encourages continual development in educational contexts. The page synthesizes current literature on the issue, providing a thorough grasp of the subject. It was written by reputable researchers on the subject and published in a respected
academic journal, thus it is a trusted source. The paper is particularly pertinent to the study since it emphasizes the need for research knowledge in good educational leadership.
4. Gurr, D., & Drysdale, L. (2014). The role of educational leadership in facilitating evidence-based practice in schools: A review of the literature. Journal of Educational
Administration, 52(5), 652-
Gurr and Drysdale examine the literature on the role of educational leadership in promoting evidence-based practice in schools. They highlight the value of research knowledge in influencing decision-making, adopting effective tactics, and encouraging school development. The piece critically reviews existing research in the sector, shedding light on the obstacles and prospects for evidence-based leadership. It is published in a respectable journal and written by experts who specialize in educational leadership. The source is very relevant because it addresses the study's key theme.
5. Mulford, B., & Silins, H. (2003). Leadership for organizational learning and improved student outcomes—what do we know? Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(2), 175-195.
Mulford and Silins investigate the link between leadership, learning in an organization, and student performance. They highlight how research-informed leadership strategies help to build learning organizations, which lead to higher student accomplishment. The paper combines empirical research and theoretical frameworks to offer insights into successful leadership for educational reform. The source, which was published in a reputable academic publication, is credible and contributes to a better understanding of the subject. It is highly relevant to the study because it emphasizes the importance of research knowledge
in increasing leadership effectiveness.
6. Robinson, V. M., Lloyd, C. A., & Rowe, K. J. (2008). The impact of leadership on student outcomes: An analysis of the differential effects of leadership types. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44(5), 635-
Robinson et al. investigate the effects of various forms of leadership on student outcomes. Their study presents empirical evidence that research-based leadership is essential for obtaining positive educational outcomes. They analyze how different leadership styles influence student achievement and the efficiency of organizations. Scholars with expertise in school administration wrote the piece, which was published in a recognized journal. It is a
reputable source that adds to our grasp of research expertise in educational leadership. The
paper is extremely important to the study since it emphasizes the relationship between leadership behaviors and student results.