

American Military University *

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Apr 24, 2024





Uploaded by JusticePartridgePerson863

Good evening everyone. In order to answer the question for this week I feel we must first define what counter-narcotics operations are. Counter- narcotics is defined as the measure or activity that is designed to prevent the use or distribution of illegal narcotic drugs. After putting out what exactly the term counter-narcotics means I think we can get down to what benefits and issues we see with these operations. There are quite a bit of countries and law enforcement agencies that work together to create policies that will help enforce rules against the use of illegal drugs. One major benefit of all these countries and law enforcement agencies working together is you have all these different view points and experience levels working together in order to achieve the same end state. Also with all these organizations working together it will be a lot easier to get everyone all on the same page of what must be done to eliminate drugs in their area. The down side to all these different countries and organizations working together is kind of the same as the benefits. With all these different minds in one room you have a room filled with personnel who are looking out for what's best for themselves and their own country. It can be difficult to get all these people to have a conversation and come to an agreement without in becoming an argument. Law enforcement is filled with hard charging leaders with their own opinions so that will always serve as a friction point in accomplishing a goal. It can be hard to get people from different organization and countries to even trust one another let alone share information. That takes trust and it takes time for it to be earned and if one organization gives false or misleading information then that trust is broken. There are reasons why a lot of countries and organizations prefer to solve their own problems without outside help. But if we can find a way to trust one another then I believe counter- narcotic operations can benefit the entire world. Imagine a world where we cab counter-narcotic agencies across the globe sharing real time information with one another because
the working relationship is so strong and we have all the trust in the world. Counter terrorism organizations conduct the same types of operations working with other country's as well. References: Schaffer Library of Drug Policy: Drug Control: U.S.-Mexican Counternarcotic Efforts Face Difficult Challenges (Letter Report, 06/30/98, GAO/NSIAD-98-154 URL:
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