Quiz 5 Answers
Which of these is not a defamation defense?
All of these are defamation defenses
Wire-service defense
No answer text provided
While there is no federal anti-SLAPP statute, every individual state has its own anti-
SLAPP law. (
Hustler v. Falwell expanded the actual malice standard to which tort?
A: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Which court defined the "opposite of newsworthiness" as "a morbid and sensational
prying into private lives for its own sake?"
A: The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
Which of these is a nonverifiable opinion statement?
The service at Taco Bell sucks.
In my opinion, my neighbor, John, is stealing from his employer.
Wrong answer
I think my coworker, Noah, has gonorrhea.
I believe my ex-girlfriend, Allie, killed her last kitten.