

TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






May 27, 2024





Uploaded by DoctorBraveryGrasshopper32

Student declaration Criteria Qualification/Course code, name and release number Teaching staff/student to select the correct qualification the student is enrolled in from the below dropdown list: Unit code, name and release number ICTCLD301 - Evaluate characteristics of cloud computing solutions and services (1) Each student is required to read and sign the form below to acknowledge their understanding and agreement of the statements included in this declaration. I (the student) declare that, ï‚· I am aware that the TAFE NSW Student Guide and Every Students Guide to Assessment is available and how to access it ï‚· My obligations and responsibilities as a student completing training with TAFE NSW have been explained to me ï‚· Qualification/Course Assessment Guide and/or Unit Assessment Guide for the unit above have been explained and made available to me ï‚· I understand and will comply with the instructions for this training and assessment ï‚· I have been provided access to all required learning materials and/or resources Table 1 List of student names, dates, and signatures No Student name (please print name) Date Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 Document title: ICTCLD301_S tDec RTO CODE: 90003 Page 1 of 2
No Student name (please print name) Date Signature 7 8 Document title: ICTCLD301_S tDec RTO CODE: 90003 Page 2 of 2
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