M04-Part 1 Cengage Module 7 Case Project
Jordan Thompson
CSIA 260
Discussion Questions
A reason to avoid open-source software is often the lack of security that can come along with them.
Open-source software comes with no claims or legal obligations for security or community support, also
there might not be good information for how to implement it securely. Factors such as costs of
implementation and the need to customize your network to make sure it is all configured correctly and
that it runs smoothly, also open-source software needs to be integrated with existing systems and
applications which can add even more costs. He could recommend stuff like Security Onion and Suricata.
JJ could investigate some training websites such as Open-Source Initiative or maybe Lynda.com which
offers some frameworks for open-source software.
Ethical Decision Making
No, I don’t think it would be an ethical way to make an employee apply for your company. First it would
like JJ is just trying to just get a bonus for being able to get a new employee from his referral. Also, it
sounds like JJ is trying to push into applying for this job even from the way she was responding JJ. It
wouldn’t be right if JJ is trying to push into a job that she does not want to do and if even if he did
somehow cajole into applying and getting the job, she would be miserable doing a job that she never
really wanted to do in the first place. JJ was attempting to bribe her with some of the referral bonus
money he would have gotten if she joined up with him. This is also not right because it would be
collusion between two people where one gets recognition and a bonus reward for bringing in a new hire
and the other would be unfairly be getting hired due to a bribe and by having a personal friendship with
the person hiring them.