> The textbook is provided by the university but Zhen provides her own ~ computer and supplies. ~ ) The university can hire another individual if Zhen is not available. W Hide question 7 feedback Answer b) is correct. She is not hired for one single semester, but for the long term, which is a sign of an ongoing employment scenario. Question 8 1/ 1 point Which of the following scenarios describes an individual who is an independent contractor, not an employee? > Ronald supplies a laptop computer used to do his work and is ~ reimbursed for the use of the computer by Cap Ltd. Ronald must also accept all work given to him from Cap Ltd. ( ) Agency Ltd. provides the Sherry with a set of tools to use to do the work. Sherry may take these tools home; however, the tools must be returned to the Agency Ltd. after the contract is terminated. Sherry cannot work for others while she is working for Agency Ltd. O Insure Co. is responsible for repair, insurance, and maintenance on tools ~ owned by Eric and used by the Eric to do the work. Eric may hire helpers but needs to get approval from Insure Co. before doing so. "() Anna maintains her own workspace and does substantial work for ~ Airline Ltd. from that workspace. She can determine her own work hours. W Hide question 8 feedback Answer d) is correct. The fact that Anna maintains her own workspace and does substantial work for Airline Ltd. from that workspace is an indication that Anna is an independent contractor.