1. Some factors contributing to Novartis invoice processing being so complex was that
most company invoices come from international suppliers. This led to many of their
invoices becoming query items which delayed the company payments making them very
expensive for the company. This is a huge factor because the company is paying more
for something they can allow software to do like InputAccel. Also makes the company
less efficient with language problems and payment issues.
2. IT has provided a program for the company's MIS, data warehousing, and ERP.
Novartis decided to explore software applications like InputAccel. InputAccel then does
all the hard work of taking invoices from different countries and converting them into
different languages. The invoices will then be sent to the company's ERP system. Once
this action happens payments are sent to different departments for processing. This
program has allowed Norvartis to avoid the troubles that they were receiving and now
they can elevate the company and continue their mission.
3. InputAccel is a software program that takes information and creates digital images out
of them that are sent and used by different companies. This program allows them to do
the middleman work while creating a faster productivity rate for companies. This
software uses professional analytical data to process electronic documents and
information which is very beneficial for Norvartis. This helps them become more efficient
as a company and allows them to use the other resources that InputAccel brings to the