There are many tools that allow you to develop a plan for a wireless network. Refer to “7 free Wi-Fi stumbling and surveying tools for Windows and Mac,” located in the topic readings, and choose one. Then briefly explain the benefits of using the tool you selected.
Hello professor and class,
The Wi-Fi stumbling and surveying tool that I chose out of the list from the topic readings is Tarlogic Security. The reason I chose this is because it offers commercial and noncommercial options while granting free Wi-Fi features. Tarlogic also offers a brute-force password cracking utility that tests the security of the password. There is also a free version that offers a graphical user interface that is user-
friendly benefiting new users. Another benefit is that it can distinguish 802.11ac and utilize different channels for larger bandwidths. These are just a few of my reasons for choosing this tool from the reading.
Geier, Eric. (2015, May 26). 7 free Wi-Fi stumbling and surveying tools for Windows and Mac