Hello Dr. Beverly and Class,
For our final discussion, we have been asked to share which database role we would like best in
our professional careers and what personality traits are necessary. We have also been asked to
share what career path we hope to pursue and how we intend to use the skills we’ve learned in
this role.
Based on what we have learned through this course, I would be most interested in the Database
Administrator (DBA) career role. As I have discovered throughout the past eight weeks, creating
and navigating some databases can be a test of patience and endurance, especially considering
how fickle Codio can be. However, I encountered several problems where I could have written a
query more efficiently or where I saved critical data to the wrong database. These issues
motivated me to problem-solve until the problems were corrected. With this in mind, the
personality traits necessary for a DBA are patience, resiliency, and critical thinking.
While my interests are primarily within the cybersecurity realm of IT, taking this course has
encouraged me to learn about security concerns within databases. I can accomplish my
professional goals by cultivating the skills learned in this course. For example, I am passionate
about conducting threat, risk, and vulnerability assessments. What we have learned, particularly
regarding writing queries to pull and analyze critical data, would be essential to performing such
security assessments.
Although Codio was not the most user-friendly, the platform's challenges allowed me to develop
patience and problem-solving skills. With this in mind, I would likely use Codio to practice
writing queries and building databases in a safe environment.
Thank you, Dr. Beverly, for facilitating this course and to my classmates, I wish you the very best
in your personal, academic, and professional endeavors.