Unit 11 Forum
Find a video of a public speaker that you think is effective and persuasive. (Ted Talks
are a great source.) Analyze the speaker's performance, consider:
What elements of the presentation stood out?
What was strongest: the presentation's content or the presenter's
Did the presenter use visual aids? Did they support the presenter's content?
Did the speaker engage the audience? If so, how?
How can you apply these exemplars to your own presentation (in this course
and in the future)?
Craft your analysis into a few paragraphs and paste a link to the video and your written
analysis into the Forum post.
Thank you for your post! I can totally agree with your responses and
expectations from Sharukh Khan's presentation. Although not an active
public speaker, but he is a very good speaker.
He does start any presentation with humor and he can pull it off. This is his
way of starting a presentation and is a good way. It captivates the audience
and is a great way to start a presentation. He prefers a more animated and
physical approach for the presentation and that makes it more lively and
impactful. I agree with the examples which he shared and also skillful related
to his personal life.
Even though you prefer to give equal weightage content and presentation, I
think I would prefer his presentation style because he prefers to present in
an active and more lively way. I wont prefer his presentation content because
I doubt he himself creates those.
His little dance I wont consider as a visual aid but it still captures the
attention of the audience. He has always been a captivator of the audience
and I would like to learn this from him. He has confidence, clarity and a nice
positive presentation style.