Risk Management Strategy for Fitness Fits Avoidance Fitness Fits is a retail store for fitness outfits and tools and has an online stores to reach more customers globally. The company uses the Third-Party Risk Management (TRPM) to assess the risk level of dealing with contractors, suppliers, exterior vendors, and technology platforms (
Deloitte, 2024
). Retention
Vetting of third-party data controllers, systems of international certification in standards are useful and also conducts thorough due diligence on potential vendors to ensure that data privacy and security is a top priority. Sharing Risk Both the company and staff take responsibility in ensuring data is secure and protected. Therefore there are frequent cyber security training to ensure data is efficiently well-
protected. In addition, there are updates in the software
Users are expected to read through and understand the terms and condition and are required to comply to the agreements, ensuring smooth flow of account activities and purchase. Loss Prevention and Reduction Fitness Fits integrates and ensures the software and IT systems are frequently updated. Consequently, IT manufacturers often address these issues