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Information Systems


Jun 24, 2024





Uploaded by BarristerFireOpossum27

© Canberra Institute of Technology Page 1 of 8 Date created: 27/05/2024 CRICOS No. 00001K | RTO Code 0101 Date updated: 27/05/2024 Assessment Written 1 Student Name: Kamala Gurung CIT Number: CIT283574 Competency Title, Code and Banner Code CRN SITHKOP015 Design and cost menus Assessment Type Written Case Study Project Assignment Other Assessment Name Assessment 1 – eLearn quiz Assessment Date Student Statement: This assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this statement. Student Signature: kamala Date: 27 / 5 /2024 PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: CIT is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be used in accordance with the CIT Privacy Policy. Assessor Feedback Student provided with feedback Attempt 1 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Date: / / Attempt 2 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Date: / / Assessor Name: Assessor Signature: Note from Assessor: Please record any reasonable adjustment that has occurred for this assessment. Assessment Task Instructions for Students
© Canberra Institute of Technology Page 2 of 8 Date created: 27/05/2024 CRICOS No. 00001K | RTO Code 0101 Date updated: 27/05/2024 You will be given access to this assessment on eLearn. It is short answer task with 17 questions All questions are to be answered with full sentences so as to show your understanding of the topics All work must be your own and in your own words Once complete you must submit into correct drop box Assessment Criteria: To achieve a Satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the key skills/tasks/knowledge detailed in the Assessment Task to industry standard. Calculating portion yields and costs Desired food costs and profit margins in the hospitality industry Itemise ingredients on each dish Calculate portion yields and costs Calculate GST All assessment is based on Industry standards and expectations (as established in the training package). Students must demonstrate capability to transfer their skills and knowledge to a variety of Industry applications. Competency will be assessed against these standards and all answers must be deemed correct by the assessor. Time allowed : 1.5 hours Assessment Range and Conditions : This assessment is an open book assessment. You will complete this assessment in your own time using the resources in eLearn as a reference point to assist with completing the assessment task. In this resource it provides interactive guides on all topics covered in this written task Materials provided: Computer access at CIT in the theory classroom. Access to eLearn. Learning Vault resource and links on eLearn. Materials you may need: Nil Information for students: You may have two (2) attempts for this assessment. If your first attempt is not successful, your teacher will discuss your results with you and will arrange a second attempt. If your second attempt is not successful, you will be required to re-enrol in this unit. Only one re-assessment attempt will be granted for each assessment item.
© Canberra Institute of Technology Page 3 of 8 Date created: 27/05/2024 CRICOS No. 00001K | RTO Code 0101 Date updated: 27/05/2024 Assessment 1. For the following menu types, match the correct menu with its description. a. The menu items on this menu are individually priced. These are generally 'cooked to order'. These menus often contain a wide variety of dishes to choose from. -A la Carte menu b. This menu does not provide any options for your customers, so no order needs to be taken. It has a fixed price. This menu usually has multiple courses. -Set menu c. This menu has a set price covering 4, 5 or more courses. Serving sizes are smaller than normal allowing the customer to sample more dishes. This menu is often used as a way to showcase the skills of the chef. - Degustation menu d. This menu has a set price covering 2 or more courses. The choices are usually limited to 3 or 4 choices per course. The customer pays the set price for the menu no matter which dish they choose within each course. -Table d’hote menu e. Food for this menu is arranged on tables, open refrigeration or in hot bain Maries. Customers move around and may choose which dishes they would like, helping themselves or being served a portion by floor staff -Buffet menu f. These menus are determined ahead of time and run in a cycle. This may be weeks or even months. They are particularly useful when the number of guests is set so popular in schools, prisons, but also on island resorts, and on cruise ships as their numbers are known in advance -Cyclical Cyclical Buffet Menu Set Menu A la Carte Menu Degustation Menu Table d'Hote Menu 2. Match the following establishment type with their service style: a. Relaxed table service -Casual dining restaurant b. Formal table service, may have sommelier or multiple floor staff attending the table. Time is given for the customer to enjoy the evening, not rushed. -Fine dining restaurant
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