Discussion Questions
What is the relationship between time and power?
There is an inverse relationship between time and power - as time increases, power tends to
decrease. This is because power is a measure of work done over time. As fatigue sets in over
time, less work is done per unit of time, resulting in lower power output.
Was your correlation coefficient positive or negative?
Based on the data presented, the correlation coefficient between time and power was negative,
indicating an inverse relationship between the two variables.
At what time id peak power occur? What is the significance of peak power.
Peak power occurred around the 10 second mark. Peak power represents the highest power
output achieved during the test. It reflects the maximum effort the subject was able to exert
over a very short time period before fatigue set in.
What causes a decrease in work performed by the subject over time?
A few factors likely contributed to the decrease in work performed over time:
- Muscle fatigue - as muscles are worked anaerobically over time, fatigue builds up reducing
force production
- Energy depletion - anaerobic energy systems are tapped initially but become depleted over
- Accumulated metabolites - build up of lactate and inorganic phosphate during anaerobic work
inhibits force production