


Rasmussen College, Florida *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school


CIS 2647C


Industrial Engineering


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by PresidentSquirrelPerson603

New Scanner upgrade Feasibility Will the new upgrades reduce damaged items and increase productivity on all fronts? Indicate whether each objective/requirement is met by this proposed solution. Boldface objectives are considered to be critical to the success of the project. Critical objectives should be answered YES or the solution may not work. Upgrading the scanners will make it where each department has to take a before picture witch will be prompted the moment they can the perspective barcode. it will show what that user encounters at the very beginning of the process. this will uphold accountability as well as increase productivity. they will then be prompted to take an after picture once they finish their task in the perspective location before being able to move on to the next location this will ensure safety within that location as well as reducing the amount of damaged items. The new scanners will be easily operational. Yes Will new scanners increase productivity. Yes Will damages and loss of profit decrease . Yes Production increases steadily. Yes Accountability for any issues that may arise . Yes Will it reduce workplace injury . Yes Are the new upgrades long and arduous. No Will our current I.T Department Be Able to handle the upgrade . Yes Total number of YES responses. 7 This solution ranks ____1______ among the alternative solutions. Leaving the Equipment and work Processes as it is – Will Leaving the Equipment and Work processes the same be conducive to moving forward and would it be ethical ? If we where to leave the equipment as it is it would greatly reduce the productivity and accountability it would also increase workplace injuries by not insuring that things are being handled properly or cleaned up. it would eventually leave one department to have to spend more than the necessary amount of time in a certain section as well as increase the risk of injury. For each problem listed below, respond with a YES or a NO depending on weather this proposed alternative will solve the problem. The questions are: Is the proposed technology or solution PRACTICAL to solve this problem? Yes
Do we currently have the necessary technology to implement the proposed solution? Yes Do we have the SKILLED PEOPLE to implement the technology proposed by this solution? Yes Would people take the time to be careful when putting stuff away to keep an area safe? No Would carless placement of items increases damages? Yes Total number of YES responses. This solution ranks _______4___ among the alternative solutions. Economic Feasibility – What is the benefit of the solution and how quick do we get a return on investment? Cost benefit analysis For each solution state the problem what the estimate cost the problem results in and the amount of time to recover the costs. Example: Current Process: Put away team puts stuff a way as fast as possible, Results in damages unsafe storage locations. order picking team opens multiple boxes all over the pallets, Results in unorganized product storage and inaccurate product count. All of this results in Inventory Control to take unnecessary time counting organizing and navigating unsafe storage locations slowing their production down to unproductive times. Put away team damages 250 cases daily. Case value $275.82*250= $68,955 in loss a day multiply that by 365 days results in $25,168,575.00 a year. Plus loss of customer satisfaction and company reputation Picking team picks from multiple different boxes results in inaccurate counts. 869 product pieces unaccounted for daily. Pice cost $6.95 *869=$6,039.55 multiplied by 365 days equals,$2,204,435.75 a year plus loss of customer satisfaction and company reputation . Total loss for the company yearly:$27,373,010.75 loss of company reputation and customer satisfaction priceless. Proposed Solution: Example:
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