HIS 100 Module Three Activity Template: Revising Questions
Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.
Identify the topic you chose to explore:
Tulsa Race Massacre/Inequality and Human Rights
Identify a historical perspective that could be applied to your historical event.
A historical perspective that can be applied to The Tulsa Massacre could be African-Americans
felt as if they were not equal to white people.
Revise your research question based on evidence from your primary and secondary sources.
[Is there a specific way the Tulsa Race Massacre impacted the racial inequality we see in
society today?]
[How has the Tulsa Riot caused segregation among the blacks and whites?]
Explain how historical perspective and evidence from sources influenced your finalized research
The research question I provided was influenced by different sides being taken whether it was the
blacks or the whites. With this information, I was able to question how this can be brought on by