403660068 - Triple Aim Presentation



Rasmussen College *

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Health Science


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by LieutenantRockFinch35

Managing the Whooping Cough Outbreak: A Triple Aim Approach Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Date
Introduction  From the Triple Aim of Cost, Quality, and Access to Care, this presentation discusses the hospital's Whooping Cough epidemic approach.  The president’s aim is to successfully safeguard the community and hospital.
Action Plan for Efficient Outbreak Management ï‚´ Activity Plan Overview: Explaining the hospital's Whooping Cough outbreak response plan. ï‚´ This plan prioritizes fast communication, care access, and rapid reaction for patient treatment. ï‚´ Communication Strategy: Stressing transparency and quick vital information distribution to hospital workers and the CDC. ï‚´ Unified response and rapid information flow are essential for outbreak containment (Kalgotra et al., 2021).
Action Plan for Efficient Outbreak Management (cont.) ï‚´ How the action plan might change access to care: Figuring out how it might change access to care and setting up quick response tools to ensure that affected patients get treatment on time (Trzeciak & Rivers, 2003). ï‚´ Access to important health services will be maintained, and problems will be minimal.
Strategic Alliances and Partnerships ï‚´ Importance of Alliances: Stressing how important it is to work with outside healthcare groups to improve tools and treatment options. ï‚´ Strategic partnerships will help the hospital respond faster and encourage people to work together to find a complete answer. ï‚´ Ideas for forming partnerships: Laying out specific plans for building strategic partnerships and working together with nearby facilities to make a single response. ï‚´ These partnerships will strengthen the healthcare system and lessen the spread's effects on the community (Guilfoyle et al., 2022).
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