Sugar substitutes are also termed as artificial sweeteners and they are supplements that are put in food or beverages so as to copy the taste of sugar. We have different kinds of sugar substitutes which can be acquired naturally or artificially ( Zimmerman and Snow (2012). I do mostly use sugar substitutes in my diet due to its benefits to my health unlike regular sugars. Zimmerman and Snow (2012) posits that use of sugar substitutes in foods and beverages does promote health by reducing intake of simple sugars which have high calories, causes tooth decay and maybe connected to diseases that are chronic. Sugar substitutes have many benefits and therefore people always prefer to use them. For example sugar substitutes gives sweetness and adds flavor to foods and they lower the calories that are associated with simple sugars.
I do mostly use honey as a sugar substitutes. Honey can be used as a sweetener in many purposes for example baking, in beverages, in sauces and also as medicine. Honey has many advantages health wise for example it is used as an agent of anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and antibacterial. It can used orally to treat coughs and also treat burns topically and promoting of healing of the wound (Lewin, 2019). Antioxidants in honey is associated with lowering of heart diseases risk (Lewin , 2019). I agree with the use of sugar substitutes because they do have many health benefits for example they do not have calories which makes someone to gain weight as Zimmerman and Snow (2012) posits there
are scientific evidence that shows consumption of these foods containing sugar substitutes reduces weight.
Lewin, J. (2019, June 24). Sugar Substitutes – honey explained. bbcgoodfood/howto/guide/sugar-substitutes-honey-explained
Zimmerman, M., & Snow, B. (2012). 2 National Goals for Nutrition and Health: Healthy People 2020. In An Introduction to Nutrition, V1. Unnamed Publisher. 2012books.lardbucket/books/an-introduction-to-nutrition/s08-carbohydrates.html
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