A formal transfer of command is unnecessary when the Deputy Incident Commander is relieving the
Incident Commander for an extended rest period -
Let's return to the Emerald City Incident. It is now 1800 and the water level is still rising. You are
relieving the current Incident Commander for the next operational period. Review the list below and
check the 4 items that should be included in the transfer of command briefing -
Situation Status,
Current Organization, Resource Assignment, Incident Objectives and Priorities
Several people were injured as the large truck passed through the crowd and there may be deaths.
There is disorder as some attempt to flee and others try to help.
The tanker truck is an active fire that must be suppressed and could spread to nearby structures. The
building and utilities (power, water, and gas) could be damaged and may present additional hazards to
people in the affected area.
In the box below, record the hazards and safety concerns -
The hazards include:
-Vehicle fire with a potential to spread to structures.
-Potential for explosions if the fire encounters fuel or compressed gas cylinders.
-Damaged utilities that could harm incident survivors and responders.
-Potential structural collapse of the building hit by the tanker truck.
The safety concerns include:
-Harm to survivors or responders from the hazards.
-Injured people unable to self-evacuate from the immediate area of the fire.