Compare the three types of errors
that a health care organization needs to be prepared for: skill-based, rule-based, and knowledge-based errors. Speculate as to what would happen
if one of these measures were to fail. How can an organization reduce the likelihood of each of these errors occurring in a health care setting?
Skill based errors happen when a person's technical or motor skills fail. This is often due to lack of concentration or attention. This includes things like a surgeon making a mistake during a procedure because they are overly tired. Rule based errors happen when someone makes a mistake when applying a rule or procedure. This would include something like a nurse administering the wrong medication because they misunderstood a providers instructions. Knowledge based errors happen when someone doesn't have the knowledge to perform a task. An example of this is a new person on staff could make a mistake because they haven't been trained properly.
In any of these cases, the consequences could be severe, including a possible fatality. In the healthcare field, errors can lead to harm to a patient, increased costs, and damage to the organizations reputation.
To reduce the likelihood of each of these errors occurring the organization could make sure to hold regular training's and practice's to help improve skills. Be sure that rules are clear and
concise. The organization could also be sure that their employees are attending training programs and continuing their education so they are able to perform necessary tasks.
Tools and strategies for quality improvement and patient safety ... (n.d.).
Johnson, J. K., & Sollecito, W. A. (2018).
McLaughlin & kaluzny's continuous quality improvement in health care
(5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.