Scale 1 – Self Appraisal: 36
Scale 2 – Occupational Information: 37
Scale 3 – Goal Selection: 35
Scale 4 – Planning: 38
Scale 5 – Problem Solving: 38
Total Score: 184
The brief assessment was an interesting look at my perspective of career assessment. I mostly answered
much or complete confidence, which was an encouraging outcome. I would have loved to have taken
this assessment at the beginning of this program compared to my score now that I am towards the end. I
found that my scores reflect an ability to analyze interests, create goals, develop a plan to get to that
goal, and work through possible barriers to accomplishing a goal. Counseling is my second career and
spent the last 10 years working in corporate sales. I have spent many years analyzing my interests and
creating goals to accomplish my dreams, which was great practice for this assessment.
The CDMSE would be a great option to supply to anyone who may not be at their career goal or is
unsatisfied with their career. I would supply this to populations such as young adults and students in
order to generate options towards their goal and their confidence in the chose in career. This assessment
is valuable in career counseling because it has the ability to provide insight into how confident a client is
in creating and completing goals needed to make a major career decision (Duggar, 2015).
Betz, N. E., & Taylor, K. M. (2001, February). Manual for the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale and
CDMSE – Short Form.
Dugger, S. M. (2015).
Foundations of career counseling: A case-based approach
. Pearson College Division.