Exploring the Plant-Based Movement (3)
Jean Vanier Catholic High School *
*We aren’t endorsed by this school
Health Science
Nov 24, 2024
Uploaded by DeaconClover6681
Exploring the Plant±Based
(,+y) $ '+*rMhFFam 5400MhFFan
Description of the Food Trend :
A growing movement known as the ²Plant±Based Movement² advocates a diet high in
foods coming from plants³ such as fruits³ vegetables³ grains³ legumes³ nuts³ and seeds´ It
pushes for reducing or eliminating animal products and places a focus on foods that
have been minimally processed´ This movement represents larger concerns for
environmental sustainability and ethical treatment of animals³ going beyond human
health´ It promotes a mindful attitude to eating and strengthens our relationship to the
sources of our food´ The Plant±Based Movement represents an important shift towards a
more caring and environmentally conscious way of living³ supporting a sustainable and
peaceful planet³ by challenging current dietary patterns´
Food Limitations :
65111imitJeId or no HHconsumption oKf mJeFFat± poultry± FFanId fisMh
lowJerinLg or JeliminFFatinLg IdFFairy proIduHHcts
<888StJeJer HHclJeFFar oKf proHHcJessJeId mJeFFals tMhFFat inHHcluIdJe suGGbstFFanHHcJes proIduHHcJeId Kfrom FFanimFFals°
FFappropriFFatJe portion mFFanFFaLgJemJent to JenHHcourFFaLgJe FFa MhJeFFaltMhy intFFakJe oKf HHcFFaloriJes°
.21-iLgMhly rJefinJeId LgrFFains FFarJe usJeId rFFarJely*!%$ wMholJe LgrFFains MhFFavJe GGbJeJen HHcMhosJen Kfor MhiLgMhJer nutritionFFal vFFaluJe°
rJeIduHHction oKf FFartifiHHciFFal FFaIdIditivJes FFanId FFaIdIdJeId suLgFFars± in KfFFavour oKf wMholJe± nFFaturFFal mJeFFals°
)-,onsumption oKf fisMh± HHcMhiHHckJen± FFanId mJeFFat is minimFFal or nonJexistJent°
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Meal or Recipe :
Quinoa and Black Bean Buddha Bowl
Ingredients :
Chopped romaine³ a handful of fresh baby spinach³ or both
µ¶· cup cooked brown rice³ or³ if preferred³ quinoa
µ¶· to µ¶¸ cup of black beans cooked with onion³ garlic³ chilli powder³ and cumin
carrot avocado slices³ either shredded or julienned ¹from µ¶· big or µ¶¸ small avocadoº
µ or ¸ thinly sliced radishes
µ±¸ tsp unsalted pumpkin seeds
leaves of cilantro³ to taste
Five to six grape tomatoes³ sliced in half!; add extra fresh vegetables and your choice of seeds in the centre!;
a generous squeeze of fresh lime juice³ a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil³ and a little pinch of sea salt
/32..Kf you likJe± top tMhJe IdisMh witMh FFa lFFayJer oKf KfrJesMh GGbFFaGGby spinFFaHHcMh or romFFainJe°
87333Jext± lFFayJer HHcookJeId GGbrown riHHcJe°
'+*IdId HHcookJeId GGblFFaHHck GGbJeFFans witMh onion± LgFFarliHHc± HHcMhilli powIdJer± FFanId HHcumin on top°
87333Jext± FFaIdId tMhJe KfrJesMh vJeLgJetFFaGGblJes FFanId sJeJeIds tMhFFat you sJelJeHHctJeId JeFFarliJer°
87333Jext± FFaIdId FFa squJeJezJe oKf limJe± FFa IdrizzlJe oKf JextrFFa virLgin olivJe oil± FFanId FFa tiny pinHHcMh oKf sJeFFa sFFalt°
Nutritional Needs and Canada Food Guide :
9555lFFant²(,+FFasJeId *.-)iJets tMhFFat Kfollow tMhJe )-,FFanFFaIdFFa ,0/+ooId -10,uiIdJe proviIdJe FFa vFFariJety oKf nutritionFFal FFaIdvFFantFFaLgJes°
*.-)iKfKfJerJent plFFant²GGbFFasJeId protJeins± likJe toKfu FFanId GGbJeFFans± FFassist tMhJe MhJeFFaltMh oKf musHHclJes± wMhilJe omJeLgFFa²"
sourHHcJes± likJe wFFalnuts± support tMhJe MhJeFFaltMh oKf tMhJe MhJeFFart FFanId GGbrFFain° ?;;;VitFFamin )-, FFanId iron²riHHcMh vJeLgLgiJes FFanId
GGbJeFFans improvJe FFaGGbsorption FFanId rJeIduHHcJe tMhJe risk oKf FFanFFaJemiFFa° (,+onJe MhJeFFaltMh HHcFFan GGbJe improvJeId GGby HHcFFalHHcium
Kfrom KfortifiJeId plFFant²GGbFFasJeId milk FFanId vitFFamin *.-) Kfrom sunsMhinJe or supplJemJents° ?;;;VitFFamin (,+ ! HHconHHcJerns
pJertFFain to mJeFFals or supplJemJents tMhFFat MhFFavJe GGbJeJen KfortifiJeId° @<<<WMholJe LgrFFains FFanId vJeLgJetFFaGGblJes FFarJe nFFaturFFally
MhiLgMh in fiGGbrJe± wMhiHHcMh promotJes MhJeFFaltMhy IdiLgJestion FFanId LgJenJerFFal wJellGGbJeinLg° =999TMhJesJe KfFFaHHctors LguFFarFFantJeJe tMhFFat FFa
plFFant²GGbFFasJeId IdiJet tMhFFat Kfollows tMhJe )-,FFanFFaIdFFa ,0/+ooId -10,uiIdJe oKfKfJers FFall tMhJe nutritionFFal support nJeJeIdJeId Kfor
optimum MhJeFFaltMh°
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Personal Reflection :
For me³ making the shift to a plant±based diet has been really fulfilling and pleasurable´ Finding appropriate
alternatives and adjusting to the constraints first took some time and investigation³ particularly when it came
to reducing the intake of processed meals and animal products´ However³ the improvements have been really
noteworthy´ Since making this change³ I feel generally healthier and more energetic´ In addition to the
advantages for me personally³ I»ve grown more conscious of the environmental effects of the food I choose´
As I think back on this trip³ I notice how well a plant±based diet fits in with my sustainability and health ideals´
Although there have occasionally been difficulties³ they are greatly outweighed by the benefits´ My eyes have
been opened to the very tasty and diverse world of plant±based food by this experience³ which has made it a
realistic and fulfilling lifestyle option for me´ It»s a way of life that fits into my beliefs and has given me so
much happiness and fulfilment that it goes beyond just a diet´
In conclusion° the Plant±''Based Movement is a lifestyle movement that
supports sustainability° ethical decision±making° and wellness° rather
than just a dietary trend² Our analysis of its ideas and a real±world
example—the Quinoa ''Buddha ''Bowl—illustrate that this movement is
a thoughtful decision with far±reaching effects² ''Beyond people° it
supports efforts that reduce environmental effect and advance ethical
care of animals² &&Accepting plant±based alternatives is an opportunity
to join a movement creating a more sustainable and healthful future²
Let³s celebrate the positive impacts that our decisions may have on
the environment° the community° and ourselves as we start on a
changing path towards a more aware and connected world²
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Wikipedia contributors² ´µ¶µ·c° November µ¸¹²
The China Study
² Wikipedia²
The nutrition source
² ´n²d²¹² The Nutrition Source²
-Health ((Canada² ´µ¶µ¸° January ¸»¹²
Welcome to Canada’s food guide
² https$ººfood±guide²canada²caºenº
Vital° E² ¼² ´µ¶µµ° May µ·¹²
Why is the Plant±Based movement so popular" | ELLE Australia