Ciara Santos
Week 5: Portfolio Project- Outpatient & Physician Services
Physician Scenario #1:
ICD-10-CM Code R00.1
Bradycardia, unspecified
Bradycardia, drug induced, in therapeutic use.
In the scenario that the patient was having bradycardia which is an order characterized by a
dysrhythmia with a heart rate less than 60 beats per minute that originates in the sinus node. The
patient was prescribed Demerol, a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of moderate
to severe pain and was properly administered. There is no other information that states if the
patient is having other symptoms related to bradycardia, and since bradycardia was drug-
induced, in therapeutic use, R00.1 is the code we are using.
Outpatient Scenario #2:
ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code
PDX K74.60 (Principal diagnosis)
SDX 185.01 (Secondary diagnosis)
Cirrhosis of the liver with hemorrhagic esophageal varices
The patient has cirrhosis of the liver, a disease characterized by replacement of liver parenchyma
with fibrous tissue and regenerative nodules, and I assigned the ICD-10-CM code which is
K74.60. There are no other diagnostic related groups specified. The bleeding of esophageal
varices is a secondary symptom related to his cirrhosis and was just identified during the
endoscopy, so I assigned a secondary diagnosis code of SDX 185. 01.
Outpatient Scenario #3:
ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R26.0