What do you envision quality improvement initiatives will look like in the next
10–20 years for government, nonprofit, and for-profit health care organizations? Do you foresee them remaining relatively independent or becoming increasingly entwined? Support your answer.
Hello Class,
The health care sector will always be evolving as technology and the needs of patient care increase with the growing of population and the quality improvements it will always be a challenge to achieve and will be ongoing for healthcare organizations. There will be always a need for improving quality and one change that will continue to evolve is the cost of healthcare, the fee for service is now shifting to a value-based care and will require health care organizations to be accountable and improve quality of care to be able to reduce cost. As
far as the future health care organizations will need to be integrated as partners working together with private and nonprofit sectors to establish successful processes, innovation and collaborate for the well being of the community and to improve better outcomes. Also, Healthy People 2030 is the nation’s 10-year plan for addressing critical public health challenges by having objectives that need to be met this is going to allow new opportunities to improve health and the well being of all citizens.
Betts, D et al., (n.d). Deloitte Insights. The future of the public health.
Health.gov (2023). Healthy People 2030 Questions & Answers.