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Health Science


Jun 13, 2024





Uploaded by JusticeTurtleMaster2739

1 Developing a Change Project Student’s Name University Course Professor Date
2 Developing a Change Project Healthcare quality and improvement are initiated and accomplished by change projects that aim to enhance the provision of healthcare services towards improving patient outcomes while minimizing the overall costs and enhancing the organizational image and reputation through patient satisfaction. Healthcare is one of the most complex and dynamic industries that faces continuous changes, innovations and adaptations that bring new challenges and opportunities. As such, healthcare stakeholders have to constantly perform change evaluations and initiate change projects that improve healthcare by meeting the ever-changing patients’ needs, requirements, and preferences ( Hospodkova et al., 2021) . In this change project, the review outlines the steps of implementation of advanced health assessment through an integrated multidisciplinary approach. Rationale for the Change The rationale for the proposed change is embedded in the fact that multidisciplinary patient assessment in healthcare leads to increased accuracy, efficiency, and comprehensive outcomes that facilitate accurate and correct diagnosis and treatment process for most positive patient outcomes (Berardi et al., 2020; Taberna et al., 2020). Fragmented assessments significantly lead to delayed diagnoses with the risk of inaccuracies as there could be missed symptoms and suboptimal patient care. However, assessment that is hinged on collaboration and teamwork counters all these inefficiencies, leading to improved assessments in all healthcare departments that translate to healthcare quality. According to the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (2021), autopsy reports in the United States note that major diagnostic errors account for 10-20% of deaths, translating to about 40,000 to 80,000 deaths in the United States due to diagnostic errors, as also reported by Cantey
3 (2020). Therefore, by standardizing the assessment procedures through integrated and advanced diagnostic knowledge, skills, and technological tools by multidisciplinary personnel, reduced diagnostic errors could be achieved. Cantey (2020) notes that the implementation of multidisciplinary and standardized assessment efforts and protocols in health facilities could improve diagnostic errors by up to 15%. Further, this approach leads to streamlined processes in health departments, enhancing efficiency as the time taken for assessments is reduced while resource utilization is optimized, in addition to reduced hospital stays and readmissions by patients. Additionally, the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach in patient assessment that includes all healthcare providers and personnel improves the quality of health services provision, leading to institutional benefits such as an improved reputation for improved competitive advantage and operational efficiencies that cut operational costs. Desired Outcomes The main desired outcome for this project is to enhance the quality of healthcare assessment during the diagnosis process by facilitating efficiency to ensure patient satisfaction and subsequent improved health outcomes. The interdisciplinary patient assessment approach aims to reduce diagnostic errors by inputting integrated protocols that ensure collaboration during assessments to reduce diagnostic errors by 20% in the 12 months after the implementation of the project. As earlier noted, poor assessment outcomes due to fragmented assessments lead to diagnostic errors that lead to grievous medical outcomes for both patients and the organization. However, when standardized collaborative approaches and strategies are implemented by healthcare facilities, improved diagnostic outcomes are achieved. Additionally, when these protocols are bolstered with technological tools that improve assessment, more assessment outcomes will be achieved as technological approaches capture more critical and detailed data
4 during patient assessment (Ali et al., 2019; Espay et al., 2019). The integration of multidisciplinary collaboration and technological tools increases the efficiency of assessment processes, impacting the quality of healthcare provision. Another important desired outcome for the project is to significantly reduce the time for patient assessment by 10% in a period of 10 months upon implementation of the project. Fragmented assessments of patients are time-consuming as different health personnel have to assess patients in different instances with lengthy documentation and time taken to move around departments; however, with established collaborative assessment protocols that also incorporate technology, the time for assessment is reduced, streamlining the process of accurately and effectively capturing patient symptoms towards effective treatment. Consequently, when less time is spent on the diagnosis and assessment of patients, more time and effort is put into the care treatment of patients, leading to quality care outcomes while optimizing resource usage. With improved diagnosis that minimizes diagnostic errors while reducing diagnosis time, this project also aims to improve patient satisfaction in the facility by 20% in the next 12 months after initiation. This desired outcome will be assessed after six months to ensure the meeting of the target. Importantly, as suggested by Fitzpatrick (2022), patient satisfaction is influenced by the assessment and diagnostic process in a health facility. Collaborative patient assessment improves patients’ feeling of being cared for, boosting their trust and confidence while enhancing communication. Patients feel that the combined efforts are a commitment by the health facility to ensuring their positive health outcomes as opposed to fragmented assessments. As such, trust, confidence, and the feeling of being maximally catered to enhance patient satisfaction, leading to positive treatment responses.
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