GRAHAM Lab5_Glaciers



Georgia State University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by MateMaskPartridge11

Name: TA: Lab 5- Glaciers GEOL 1122 Before answering the questions for each section, make sure you have watched the video(s). After you have completed this worksheet, save it and upload it to the assignment folder for Lab 5 in iCollege. Lab Objectives At the end of this labs, students should be able to: Understand how glaciers form and the anatomy of a glacier Describe how and why glaciers move Compare a kitchen model of glaciers to the actual movement of glaciers Explain the physical interactions between ice and the ground and how glaciers shape the landscape Identify glacial landscape features in areas that no longer contain glaciers Part 1: Introduction To answer these questions, first watch the “Lab 5, Part 1: Introduction” video on iCollege 1. Hypothesize: what matters more in determine if glaciers exist: summer or winter temperatures? Why? (4 pts) I hypothesize summer temperatures matters more because glaciers essentially can exist anywhere that is cold enough, all year, so summer temperatures need to low enough all year around. 2. How is a glacier different from a snowy field? (4 pts) A glacier is different from a snowy field because of te difference of air that is composed within these two things. Snow has much more air in it, about 90%, while glaciers are created by the upper layers compacting to form the ice, disturbing the air, causing less to be part of it. 3. Why are most glaciers on Earth located at high latitudes (near the poles)? (2 pts)
Most of the glaciers on Earth are located at high latitudes such as the poles because they stay cold with losts of snow all year round which is what helps glacier continue to get bigger. 4. In the context of climate change, describe what is happening to the zone of accumulation and the zone of ablation in glaciers today? (6 pts) The zone of accumulation isn’t growing at the same rate the zone of ablation is melting which shrinking the glaciers of today overtime. 5. If the zone of accumulation expands, what happens to the line of equilibrium? What happens to the size of the glacier? (4 pts) If the zone of accumulation expands than the line of equilibrium moves further downhill, making the size of the glacier get smaller. Part 2: Glacial Flow Watch the linked YouTube video “How Do Glaciers Move” from 2:40 to 5:22 to answer these questions 6. Why is the bottom of the glacier under the most pressure? (2 pts) The bottom of a glacier is under the most pressure due to the upper layers of snow that eventually become ice. With all the upper layers, that amount snow that becomes ice applies a lot pressure, thus making the first bottom layer to be under a lot of pressure. 7. What is the difference between the zone of plastic flow and the zone of brittle flow? (4 pts) The difference is the zone of plastic is the closest to bedrock and experiences a lot of pressure while the zone of brittle is around 150 ft in the upper levels no the glacier and doesnt have much pressure. 8. Why do crevasses form? (2 pts) Crevasses form by the zone of britte flow experience a lot of pressure and leave deep open cracks within the glacier.
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