Volcanic Eruptions
Optional Extra credit Grading Criteria for Lab Data Record
Your Data Record should include appropriate:
Hypothesis for violent eruptions = 0.20point
Testing your hypothesis Data Record chart = 0.40 points total Volcano Description for sample volcanoes 1, 2 and, 3 Shape of Volcano for each test volcano
Debris type(s) for each test volcano
Magma description each test volcano
Magma mineral melting temperature for each volcano
Magma composition points for each test volcano
of Volcano type for samples 1, 2, and 3 = 0.20 points total Identification
of type of Eruption for samples 1, 2, and 3 = 0.20 points total All required written assignments and this Data Record must be turned in by assigned due date to qualify for extra credit points to be averaged into your Unit One Test score Your grades will be posted in the My Grades section of Blackboard. Extra credit points will be removed from the My Grades section prior to the Unit One Test so they may be averaged into your test score. Email schoenma@shu.edu
if you have any questions