Geology 1001 Chapter 9



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Apr 3, 2024





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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 1. Dating using radioactive isotopes that decay over time is called ________ dat- ing. isotopic 2. Which are principles of rel- ative dating? Original horizontality Cross-cutting relations Superposition 3. Match each geologic era with its meaning in the fos- sil record. Cenozoic - Recent life. Mesozoic - Middle life. Paleozoic - Ancient life. 4. Match the resulting fossil with its method of preser- vation. Petrified wood - Organic matter replaced by silica or pyrite. Insect in amber - Organic matter trapped in tree sap. Dinosaur bones - Hard parts buried and pre- served. Fish with fins and scales - Impressions on a lake bed. Fossil fern - Thin films of carbon on a rock surface. 5. Buried erosion surfaces that represent large inter- vals of time are called ____________. uncomformities 6. Indicate the typical se- quence of formation for sedimentary rock land- scapes, beginning with the first even at the top and the last event at the bottom. Deposition of sediments in layers (first) Lithification into sedimentary rocks Erosion of rocks into a landscape 1 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 7. Which statements are true regarding the geologic timescale. It was first created using relative dating and correlation. It is based on data from fossils. 8. Preserved trackways and worm burrows in rock are examples of __________. trace fossils 9. Uniformitarianism can be stated as __________. "the present is the key to the past" 10. How did Earth's oxy- gen-rich atmosphere de- velop from a carbon diox- ide-rich atmosphere? Through photosynthesis by cyanobacteria. 11. Both _________ dating and ______ dating can be used for correlation of the rock units shown in the dia- gram. relative isotopic 12. Which are important about fossils in the rock record? They are evidence of ancient life. They document evolution of life. They can be used to date rocks. 13. Match the age-dating term on the left with its correct definition on the right. Relative dating Uses geologic principles and common sense. Isotopic dating Uses analytical methods and assigns num- bers. 14. The oldest rocks and min- erals on Earth's surface have been found in Cana- da, Greenland, and Aus- Precambrian 2 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at tralia and are from the _________. 15. Fossils of species that lived on Earth for a long time period are often found in _________, whereas fos- sils of species that lived for a shorter time are often found _________. many rock layers; in a layer or two 16. A _________ fossil is a very short-lived, geographically widespread fossil species known to exist during a specific period of geologic time. index 17. Use the mnemonic to place in order some of the peri- ods of the Paleozoic, Meso- zoic, and Cenozoic Eras. Neogene (most recent) Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic Devonian Cambrian (oldest) 18. When a geologist attempts to match up two different sections of rock accord- ing to time, he or she is __________ the rocks. correlating 19. Isotopic dating is accom- plished by assigning ages in years to rocks using __________ dating meth- ods. analytical 20. The principle of ______________ tells geol- ogists that the oldest rock superposition 3 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at layer in the diagram is on the bottom; therefore, it was deposited first. 21. Match the principle of rel- ative dating with its defini- tion. Superposition - The oldest rock is at the bot- tom. Cross-cutting relations - The fault is younger than the rocks is cuts across. Original horizontality - Sediments and volcanic units are usually deposited in flat-lying layers. Inclusions - Rocks may incorporate older pieces of rock. Contact effects - A baked zone forms next to a dike during intrusion. 22. Place the events that formed the landscape shown in the correct se- quence, from the first event at the top to the last event at the bottom. Sedimentary layers are deposited horizontally. Sedimentary layers are lithified. The river cuts through the rock layers. The canyons widen and tributaries form. 23. Which principle can be used to determine the rel- ative age of an igneous in- trusion called a dike? Cross-cutting relations. 24. Which materials can be dated with carbon-14 tech- nology at archeology sites? Charcoal Bones Wood 25. Place the isotopes in order, from the system best for dating the youngest materi- Carbon-14 (best for young materials) K-Ar Rb-Sr (best for old materials) 4 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at als on the top to the system best for dating oldest mate- rials on the bottom. 26. Match the description of a group of dinosaurs with the correct examples. Diverse group of carni- vores and herbivores with hip structures similar to lizards. Tyrannosaurus rex and Apatosaurus. 27. Match the description of a group of dinosaurs with the correct examples. Had birdlike hip structures and were herbivores. Stegosaurus and Triceratops. 28. An isotope refers to any el- ement that has the same number of protons but a different number of ________. neutrons 29. Trilobites first appeared on Earth during the _________. Cambrian Period 30. What geologic features could cut across sedimen- tary rocks and therefore than the rocks they cut across? Fractures Dikes Veins 31. Groundwater can be dated using _________. isotopes 32. 5 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at Observed changes (evolu- tion) Development of stronger front fins in Paleozoic fish occurred, as compared to fish fossils found in older rock layers. 33. Evolutionary theory Favorable genetic mutations occurring in a species are more successful in small, isolated populations than in large populations. 34. Determine the sequence of events that created the rocks shown by putting the following in order, with the oldest (and first) event on the bottom and the most re- cent event on the top. Deposition of tan fossil-bearing layer. Land surface eroded, forming igneous peb- bles. Cross-cutting dike intruded. Green shale and gray limestone deposited horizontally. 35. Archaeology uses this spe- cific isotope to determine the age of bones, wood, and charcoal, preserved at a site. Carbon-14 36. Which of the following types of data could be used by geologists to esti- mate the age of past Earth events? Tree rings Ice cores Lake varves 37. You can use both super- position and contact ef- fects to determine that the light-colored volcanic rock is younger than the under- lying unit. True 38. Choose the rock types that might exist immediately be- low a nonconformity. Granite Nonlayered metamorphic rocks 6 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 39. Which principle of rela- tive can be used to de- termine when the minerals associated with the gran- ite intrusion in the diagram formed? Cross-cutting relations 40. The periods of the geologic timescale are named after regions in Europe. For ex- ample ___________ is de- rived from Cambria, and ________ is derived from the Jura Mountains. Cambrian Jurassic 41. Before radioactive decay occurs, there exist 200 parent atoms. After one half-life, there would be _____ parent atoms and _____ daughter atoms. 100 100 42. Which of the following statements about James Hutton are correct? Argued that the time required for geologic processes was much greater than currently perceived. Reasoned that ancient geologic features can be explained by present geologic processes. Considered to be the father of geology. Realized that the layers of sedimentary rock are products of sediment removal and deposi- tion. Worked in Scotland. 43. Match the isotopic sys- tem elements that could be Carbon-14 Charcoal incorporated into recent sediment. 7 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at used for dating with the correct geologic example. K-Ar A volcanic eruption. U-Pb A solidification of a granite. 44. Geologic events occurred to trap oil and gas in an an- ticline. Layers of sedimentary rocks are deposited horizontally. (first event) Rocks are folded into an anticline. Oil and gas are trapped by the fold. (last event) 45. Geologists can tell that folded sedimentary rocks have been deformed by the principle of _________ _________. original horizontality 46. Evidence for the cause of the dinosaurs' extinction at the end of the Mesozoic era can be found at _______. Chicxulub crater, Mexico Deccan Traps, India 47. Select the correct eras that are used in the geologic time scale from the choices below. Mesozoic Paleozoic 48. Stratigraphy is the ___________. study of sequences of rocks, including the rock types, fossils, and inferred environments 49. When several species of fossils are found in adja- cent layers, the time of for- mation of each rock lay- er can be assigned to a ____________ span of time. narrow 8 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 50. The age of Earth is estimat- ed to be 4.55 billion years. This is determined by dat- ing ________. Meteorites The Moon 51. The principle of faunal suc- cession states that ____. Fossils species change upward from older lay- ers of sedimentary rock to younger layers. Fossil species show a systematic change with time. 52. Match the time period with- in the Paleozoic Era with examples of the forms of life that existed on Earth. Early Paleozoic An explosion of life with hard parts occurred. Middle Paleozoic Fish became abundant and diverse in the ocean. Late Paleozoic Amphibians and reptiles evolved on land. 53. Order the events that form an angular conformity from the first event at the top to the last event at the bottom. Rocks are deposited horizontally. Rocks are folded. Uplift occurs, and folded rocks are eroded. Horizontal rocks are deposited over eroded tilt beds. 54. In geology, determining time equivalency in rocks is called ________. correlation 55. Geologists match rock units using rock types, iso- topic ages, and fossils. This type of geologic matching is know as ___________. correlation 9 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 56. The sedimentary rocks numbered 4 to 7 can be or- dered using the principle of ___________. superposition 57. Early Earth would have been inhospitable to many life-forms today because the _____________. atmosphere lacked oxygen 58. Match the type of geolog- ic hazard with the method that can be used to date when it last occurred. Volcanic eruptions Using isotopic methods, such as Ar-Ar dating. Earthquakes Using cross-cutting relations to determine the age of the fault. Flooding Using the amount of soil development and car- bon-14 dating on terraces. 59. Identify possible causes of the great dying, the great extinction at the end of the Paleozoic. Large meteorite impact Outpouring of lava Formation of the supercontinent Pangea 60. In a desert environment, desert _______ and desert __________ can be used to determine the relative age of the land surface because they become more devel- oped with time. varnish; pavement 61. Because all the rock layers in the photograph are hor- izontal sedimentary rocks, this unconformity is called a _____________. disconformity 10 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 62. The instrument that is used to measure the ratios of parent to daughter prod- ucts in a rock or mineral is called a _______. mass spectrometer 63. The principle of inclu- sion states that the clasts within a conglomerate are __________ than the con- glomerate. older 64. An igneous dike will bake the surrounding rock, indi- cating that the dike is older than the surrounding rock. True 65. Match the geologic term re- lated to lateral changes in rock type with its meaning in the list shown Facies change Different sediments are desposited due to a change in the environment. Erosion Missing rocks are marked by an unconformity. Restricted event A deposit is of limited aerial extent. Change in thickness River deposits become thinner at the edge of a valley. 66. The Cenozoic Era is called the age of __________ be- cause of their abundance and diversity during this time. mammals 67. Organisms with soft body parts only are rarely pre- trace 11 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at served as fossils; they may leave behind indirect evi- dence of their existence as _____ fossils. 68. _____ may form as erosion by a river further downcuts and widens a canyon, mak- ing a more intricate canyon formation. Tributaries 69. The geologic contact ob- served by James Hutton at Siccar Point is now called a(n) _____ by geologists because it represents an ancient erosion surface. unconformity 70. Place the isotopic systems in order, from the sys- tem best for dating the youngest materials on the top to the system best dat- ing hte oldest materials on the bottom. 1. Carbon-14 (best at dating youngest materi- als) 2. K-Ar 3. Rb-Sr (best at dating oldest materials) 71. The oldest known rock found on Earth is dated at _____ years old over 4 billion 72. The discovery of radioac- tivity in the early 1900s al- lowed geologists to deter- mine the age of Earth to be approximately 4.6 _____ years. billion 73. Which events occurred at the beginning of the Cam- brian Period, approximate- Rapid evolutionary change Explosion in the amount of diversity of life 12 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at ly 542 million years ago? (Select all that apply.) Evolution of more organisms with hard parts 74. Which unconformity is pro- duced when an eroded sur- face of an igneous or meta- morphic rock is buried by layers of sandstone and conglomerate? Nonconformity 75. If has hard parts and is rapidly buried after death it is more likely to become a _____ fossil 76. Which of the principles of relative dating would be useful in determining the age of the orange granite? Contact effects Cross-cutting relations 77. Where are the oldest rocks in the column of sedimen- tary rocks normally found? at the bottom 78. True/False: Cross-cutting relations can be used to determine that the Col- orado River cut through the Grand Canyon after sedi- mentary rocks formed. true 79. Baking of rocks surround- ing an igneous intrusion is called _____ effects. contact 80. River terraces are _____ than the age of the modern river channel. older 81. ancient rocks 13 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at isotopes that decay slowly are used to date 82. Dinosaurs are the best-known creatures of the _____ Era. Mesozoic 83. True/False: A disconformi- ty occurs above tilted rock layers. False; an angular unconformity occurs above tilted rock layers. 84. Isotopes are different forms of an element that have different _____ (check all that apply) Number of neutrons Atomic Weights 85. isotopes can be used to date _____, which can be found in fractures in gran- ite. water 86. The mineralized granite in- trusion shown can be dat- ed by its relative age using the principle of _____-_____ relations cross, cutting 87. The tree eras of the geolog- ic timesale are divided into units called _____ periods 88. Which principle of relative dating can be used at Sic- car Point in Scotland to de- termine that the rocks be- low the unconformity were tilted to vertical before ero- sion occurred? Original horizontality 89. cross-cutting 14 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at When an igneous dike cuts across sedimentary strata, the principle of __________ relations can be used to de- termine the relative age. 90. About 2 billion years ago, ____ had produced enough oxygen through photosyn- thesis to form a protective layer of ozone in the atmos- phere. cyanobacteria 91. Select the correct eras that used in the geologic timescale from the choices below. Paleozoic & Mesozoic 92. Which chapter of geologic history is the earliest and represents 90% of geologic time? Precambrian 93. Order the four chapters in Earth history from youngest at the top to old- est the bottom. Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic Precambrian 94. An unconformity is a(n) ____. buried erosion surface that is preserved be- neath later deposits 95. Isotopic dating allows sci- entists to assign numeric ages to rock using the nat- ural ___ decay to certain isotopes. radioactive 96. Rocks contain evidence that which of the fol- lowing processes occurred Mountains were uplifted and eroded. Different types of creatures lived and became 15 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at throughout Earth's histo- ry? extinct. The seas advanced and retreated. 97. Studies of Archean sed- imentary rocks indicate that this gas was absent from Earth's atmosphere for most of the Archean. oxygen 98. James Hutton inferred that the rocks below the contact at Siccar Point were ver- tical gray sandstone and shale and the rocks above were gently dipping red sandstone and conglomer- ate. Therefore, the histories of these rocks were ____. different 99. Fossils change through a section of rocks because ____. different species were alive during different pe- riods of time 100. Describe the formation of a non-conformity with the first event on top and most recent on the bottom. A non-layered rock is formed at depth. The nonlayered rock is uplifted to the surface. The nonlayered rock is weathered and eroded. Conditions change, and the eroded surface is buried by sediments. The sediments lithify. 101. True of False: Scientists use various techniques to date the age of the Earth before the discovery of ra- dioactivity. True 102. When geologists assign actual numbers to the age isotopic 16 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at of rock unit, they determine the ____ age. 103. An impact crater is ____ if it is relatively small, while a(n) ____ crater is larger and has a central peak. simple; complex 104. Describe the formation of a disconformity with the first event on top and the most recent event on the bottom. Sedimentary rocks are formed in horizontal layers. The rocks are exposed at the surface. Weathering and erosion occurs. Younger sedimentary rocks are deposited in horizontal layers. 105. Rocks around the world contain evidence that ____ have advanced and retreat- ed, and ____ have been up- lifted and eroded. seas; mountains 106. The discovery of ____ al- lowed geologists do use isotopes to finally deter- mine the age of Earth with accuracy. Radioactivity 107. If a creature has hard parts and is rapidly buried after death, it is more likely to become a(n) fossil 108. The first humans appeared before 3000,000 years ago in the ____ Era. Cenozoic 109. Choose the organism and the process responsible for oxygenating earths atmos- phere. Photosynthesis Cyanobacteria 17 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 110. Choose the process that is NOT included in the cre- ation of an disconformity. Nonlayered rocks are uplifted to the surface. 111. The dike is ____ than the rocks it cuts across based on the principle of ____ - ____ relationships. younger; cross-cutting 112. Finding several species of fossils, rather than just one, in the same rock lay- er is more useful to geolo- gists because it indicates the sediments must have been de- posited at the same time when all the species were present 113. Unit C is present in the left column but not the right column because it was not deposited or was eroded away. 114. What type of feature is rep- resented by the boundary between geologic units 2 and 3? Unconformity 115. This figure has rock units and geologic features that are assigned letters that are not in any particular or- der. From the geologic re- lations, what is the oldest unit? granite (unit G) 116. These figures show three types of unconformities. Drag the name for each Angular unconformity; Nonconformity; Discon- formity 18 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at type of unconformity to the correct figure. 117. To what does the term evo- lution refer? Observed changes in the fossil record; One or more theories that help explain observed changes; As a general term to describe how something, such as a landscape, has changed over time. **All of these choices are correct.** 118. Drag the figures so that they are in the correct or- der, arranged from oldest at the top (1) to youngest at the bottom (5). Move your cursor over position in the right column to get hints about that event. 1) deposition of a lower tan layer. 2) deposition of a middle grade layer in swampy environments. 3) deposition of the uppermost layer. 4) a time of no deposition and formation of a river. 5) erosion of a canyon. 119. What defines the bound- aries between each of the three eras in the geologic timescale? two great mass extinctions 120. Drag events so that they are in the correct order, from oldest at the bottom (6) to youngest at the top (1). 1) deposition of layer one. 2) deposition of later two. 3) deposition of layer three. 4) formation of an unconformity at six. 5) intrusion of granite at five. 6) formation of rocks at four. 121. cross-cutting relations 19 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at Which principle of relative age dating can be used to determine when the river formed on the landscape? 122. Which fossils provide in- formation as to the mode of formation of an oxy- gen-rich atmosphere by about 2 billion years ago? stromatolites 123. Which of the following is NOT a way in which fossils can be preserved? They can be replaced by hard materials, such as silica; They can be buried and decay, leav- ing a cavity in the rock; They can be preserved in ancient tree sap; They can be too small to see but can build diagnostic features in the rocks. **All of these are ways a fossil can be pre- served.** 124. Which of the following fea- tures look like fossils but are not? dark minerals that grow in branching patterns 125. Which of following geolog- ic events is the youngest? (picture in 9.14 of textbook) accumulation of the oil and gas 126. If a rock started with 1,000 atoms of a parent but now contains 250 atoms, how many half lives have passed? 2 half lives 127. This figure shows the ge- ologic timescale. Drag the label for each period to its correct position on the ge- ologic timescale. on left: Neogene, Paleogene, Jurassic, Trias- sic, Permian on right: Cretacious, Pennsylvanian, Mississip- pian, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, Cambri- an 20 / 23
Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 128. Of the following num- bered units, which is the youngest? unit 9 129. Which principle is used to determine the age of rocks by ordering them from old- est on the bottom to the youngest on the top? superposition 130. How does an angular un- conformity form? Older rocks are tilted, eroded, and overlain by younger rocks. 131. In which of the follow- ing time periods did coral, clams, fish, plants, and in- sects become abundant? Paleozoic 132. In which of the following time periods were mam- mals the dominant type of life? Cenozoic 133. The fossil fern in this pho- tograph probably indicates that the rock was deposited on land 21 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at 134. Which of the following is the earliest (oldest) chapter of geologic time? Precambrian 135. This photograph shows an upper unit with fragments and a lower unit with tilted layers. Which of the follow- ing statements is true? The upper unit is younger because it is on top; The upper unit is younger because it contains pieces of the underlying unit; The lower unit is older because it was tilted and eroded before deposition of the upper unit. **All of these choices are correct.** 136. The term half life repre- sents the time it takes for half of the parent atoms to decay into daughter atoms. 137. Which is the last step in formation of a typical land- scape? Erosion 138. The impressions of fossil shells in this photograph probably indicate that the rock was deposited in the sea 139. What factors are the most critical in determin- ing whether a fossil is pre- served? whether the creature had hard parts and how fast it was buried 140. A hypothesis that explains how new organisms or new characteristics can ap- punctuated equilibrium 22 / 23
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Geology 1001 Chapter 9 Study online at pear suddenly in the fossil record is called 23 / 23
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