3/22/24, 10:06 PM
Geology: Chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet
Clastic sedimentary rocks are classified
primarily on the basis of _____.
sediment size
A(n) _____ occurs when the sea retreats
because sea level drops and/or land is
Match the environmental depositional shift
to its correct description.
- the sea moves inland
- facies shift towards land
- facies shift away from land
- the sea moves out
Breccia and conglomerate are the coarsest
types of sedimentary rocks. Match the rock
type to the shape of clast.
Breccia: angular clasts
Conglomerate: rounded clasts
Rank the particle sizes from smallest to
1.) clay
2.) silt
3.) sand
4.) pebble
5.) cobble
6.) boulder
Which of these resources are contained in
sedimentary rocks?
- salt
- water
- coal
- uranium
As boulders are moved downstream and
weathering breaks them into smaller clasts,
they first become cobbles, then pebbles,
and finally _____ or smaller particles.
Sedimentary rocks are usually comprised of
material that comes primarily from _____.
other locations
Geologists use characteristics such as
bedding, mudcracks, and color preserved in
sedimentary rocks to determine _____.
the environment in which the rocks were deposited
What are the three types of beds formed by
sedimentary layers?
- cross
- graded
- parallel
_____ is the term used to describe the size
range of clasts in a sedimentary deposit or
Loose sand on the continental shelf or shelf
slope that becomes unstable and flows
downslope as a thick slurry of sediment and
water is known as _____.
a turbidity current
Limestone and other related sedimentary
rocks are also called _____ rocks because they
are composed of carbonate ions bonded to
other elements.
Fluvial refers to _____.
the processes and sediment of streams and rivers
Geology: Chapter 7