Assignment 2



Brock University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by DoctorGerbil3730

1 ERSC 1P92 (EXTREME EARTH) ASSIGNMENT 2 (enter answers in Quizzes tool) ERSC 1P92 EXTREME EARTH ASSIGNMENT 2 ASSIGNMENT DUE BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2023 Preamble: In this assignment we will broadly cover topics relevant to modules three and four of the ERSC 1P92 course. Please answer all questions before entering your answers in the Quizzes tool in Brightspace. You will have only one opportunity to submit your answers in the Quizzes tool. Points per question are given in brackets (x). Part A of the assignment will be related to recent Earthquake events that have occurred and plate tectonic boundaries. Part B of the assignment will involve readings related to Earthquake events in the past as well as in Canada. Work through the assignment, then, when you have it complete, go to the Quizzes tab in Brightspace to enter your answers and submit the assignment. Rules and guidelines for assignments are in your course syllabus . As always with online tools, save your work frequently while entering answers. Assignment Questions 1-58 REMINDER! Please answer all questions before entering your answers under the Quizzes section in Brightspace. PART A A list of actual earthquakes that have occurred worldwide from July 1-28, 2023 are provided for you on a separate data sheet posted in the Brightspace Assignment tool. You can find the location of the earthquakes by clicking on the location site, or if you’d like to get an ‘overall’ picture of the earthquake event locations you can plot the locations yourself on the World Plate boundary map provided. Please note! You do not need to plot the earthquake locations as part of this Assignment! The World plate boundary map is ONLY provided as an assistance if NEEDED! Hints for plotting : In order to PLOT an earthquake event, you will need to use the Latitude and Longitude information provided. Lines of Latitude appear horizontal (“ side to side” ) and are measured as degrees north (N) or south (S) of the equator (the equator is 0°). Longitude lines run vertically (“up and down”) and measure the degrees East (E) or West (W) of the Prime Meridian (0° runs through Greenwich, England). A sample plot of a theoretical Shallow depth earthquake at 60 deg W and 45 deg N has been plotted for you on the map. The Earthquake events that have been provided on the separate data sheet (from July 1-28, 2023 ), can be assigned a ‘’depth code’’ according to the DEPTH
2 ERSC 1P92 (EXTREME EARTH) ASSIGNMENT 2 (enter answers in Quizzes tool) (km) below the Earth’s surface that each one occurred. Using the following criteria: Shallow earthquakes = 0-70 km Intermediate depth earthquakes = 71- 300 km Deep earthquakes = >(greater than) 301 km depth Questions 1-24 =(0.25 mks per event = 6 mks total) QUESTION 1) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 1 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 2) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 2 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 3) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 3 A ) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 4) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 4 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 5) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 5 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 6) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 6 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 7) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 7 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 8) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 8 A ) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 9) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 9 A) Shallow B ) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 10) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 10 A ) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 11) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 11 A ) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 12) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 12 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 13) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 13 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 14) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 14 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep
3 ERSC 1P92 (EXTREME EARTH) ASSIGNMENT 2 (enter answers in Quizzes tool) QUESTION 15) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 15 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 16) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 16 A) Shallow B ) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 17) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 17 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 18) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 18 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 19) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 19 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 20) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 20 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 21) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 21 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 22) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 22 A ) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 23) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 23 A) S hallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 24) Assign a ‘’Depth’’ code to Earthquake event 24 A) Shallow B) Intermediate C) Deep QUESTION 25) Which statement is correct relating to the Earthquake events 1-24 from July 1-28, 2023. (1 mk) A) Shallow depth events are most common, followed by “Deep” depth; the Intermediate depth events are least common. B) Shallow depth events are most common, followed by Intermediate depth; the ‘’Deep’’ depth events are least common C) Intermediate depth events are most common, followed by “Deep” depth events, then Shallow ’’ depth events are least common . D) Deep depth events are most common, followed by Shallow depth events, then Intermediate depth events are least common. E) There are the same number of Shallow, Intermediate and Deep depth earthquake events. The following questions (26-30) relate to the Location of the Earthquake events July 1 - 28, 2023 . Use the information provided in Module 3.3, the additional PDF posted on the Assignm ent tab “ Plate tectonic boundaries on maps” AND Map of Earth s tectonic plates and approximate direction of movement as well as the link provided below as a resource. (5 mks total, 1 mk/event)
4 ERSC 1P92 (EXTREME EARTH) ASSIGNMENT 2 (enter answers in Quizzes tool) (n.d.). Retrieved from QUESTION 26) What type of Plate tectonic “boundary is found near the location of Earthquake Event 3? A. Divergent B. Convergent (Oceanic crust Oceanic Crust) C. Convergent (Oceanic crust Continental Crust) D. Convergent (Continental crust Continental Crust) E . Transform Fault QUESTION 27) What type of Plate tectonic “boundary is found near the location o f Earthquake Event 14? A. Divergent B. Convergent (Oceanic crust Oceanic Crust) C. Convergent (Oceanic crust Continental Crust) D. Convergent (Continental crust Continental Crust) E . Transform Fault QUESTION 28) What type of Plate tectonic “boundary is found n ear the location of Earthquake Event 20? A. Divergent B. Convergent (Oceanic crust Oceanic Crust) C. Convergent (Oceanic crust Continental Crust) D. Convergent (Continental crust Continental Crust) E . Transform Fault QUESTION 29) What type of Plate tectonic “b oundary is found near the location of Earthquake Event 21? A. Divergent B. Convergent (Oceanic crust Oceanic Crust) C. Convergent (Oceanic crust Continental Crust) D. Convergent (Continental crust Continental Crust) E . Transform Fault QUESTION 30) What type o f Plate tectonic “boundary is found near the location of Earthquake Event 24? A. Divergent B. Convergent (Oceanic crust Oceanic Crust) C. Convergent (Oceanic crust Continental Crust) D. Convergent (Continental crust Continental Crust) E . Transform Fault QUESTION 31) Which Earthquake event number of this assignment is most likely associated with the movement of the Juan de Fuca plate? (1 mk) (type in the number ONLY ie. 1) QUESTION 32) Which Earthquake event number of this assignment is most likely associated with the movement of the Scotia plate? (1 mk) (type in the number ONLY ie. 1) QUESTION 33) Which Earthquake event number is most likely associated with the East African Rift Valley? (1 mk) (Hint use the following sites for reference to learn more about the East African Rift Valley) (n.d.). Retrieved from -africa-rift.shtml (n.d.). Retrieved from (type in the number ONLY ie. 1)
5 ERSC 1P92 (EXTREME EARTH) ASSIGNMENT 2 (enter answers in Quizzes tool) QUESTION 34) What type of Plate tectonic boundary is associated with the East African Rift valley? (1 mk) A. Divergent B. Convergent C. Transform Fault Use the following Map below with points X, Y and Z labelled to Answer Questions 35 37. In addition use the Map of Earth s tectonic plates and approximate direction of movement provided in the Assignments tool. Match the plotted point (ie. X, Y and Z) to the geographic location on the Map of Earth s tectonic plates and approximate direction of movement and answer which direction the ‘tectonic plate’ is moving at that given point. QUESTION 35) The LETTER marked ‘ X ” on the Plate Boundary map would represent Plate tectonic movement in the following direction (if drawn on the map at the location of ‘X’ ): (1 mk) A) B) C) D) E) F) G)
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