GEOG 4203/5103 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
Lab 1, week 2: What Is GIS?
Janelly Salgado
Date of submission:
Due date:
September 10, 2023 at 11:59pm
Lab questions (Indent and provide an answer in a complete sentence, 20 points in total)
Question 1
What is the area of the lake in hectares (1 point)?
The area of the lake is 1486.6 hectares.
Question 2
List which feature class(es) contain point data and which contain line or polygon data (8 points).
Vents contain point data. Faults and bathymetry contain line data. Lake, floor
geology, geology units, park boundary, and topo clip area contain polygon data.
Question 3
Examine the vents’ layer name in the 3D scene. Did it update to match the changes made in the
2D map (1 point)?
The 3D map did not update to match the changes made in the 2D map.
Question 4
Construct a citation for the UAS Mean Temperature service. Consult both the metadata and the
pop-up window in the Portal pane to find all the information needed (2 points).
USGS. USA Mean Temperature.
Question 5
How many counties does Oregon have (1 point)? What is the average population (2 points)?
Oregon has 36 counties. The average population is 108,964.
Question 6
List the smallest and largest counties with their 2014 populations (2 points).
The smallest county in Oregon was Wheeler County with a population of 1,440. The
largest county in Oregon in 2014 was Multnomah County with a population of 765,775.