Investing In My Future



University of Phoenix *

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Jan 9, 2024





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Investing in My Future By Ymontiara Corrin Jones FIN100: Principles of Finance Professor CC Anthony June 12, 2022
Summary New financial goals for the future upon what I learned from this course would be to give my money a job. Creating that plan on how I need to spend money would be a more frequent achievement throughout the year. Take care of your monthly bills and have that separate flow of money for your future by using them for future investments outside your traditional 401K retirement plans. Yes, I want to become more liquid to start my own business. A liquid investment converted into cash without any impact on its value; the goal would be to create another stream of income to then turn around and invest in my entire plan apart from my financial future. This course has increased my knowledge and added to the minimal knowledge I attained before taking this class. 2
Investing in My Future: Investing in your future is a great way to start your journey to financial freedom. By taking this course, I was about to understand more in-depth how it is essential to understand finance. By being financially free and having enough savings, investments, and cash on hand, you can be stress-free without checking on bills to make sure you can make the due date. I want to view my financial lifestyle as a very diverse portfolio. Taking this course has sharpened my financial literacy tremendously, and below I am going to inform you in what ways. Three (3) Ways I will Invest in My Future There are many ways I can invest in my future, and the main thing I am doing to contribute to this goal would be to go to and complete my degree. Investing in my education and gaining knowledge about several topics will make me more eye-appealing to my competitors and will benefit my overall gross income. Starting a retirement fund by investing in my 401K with my job, not only is it beneficial because you are setting aside money for your exit plan, but many companies match dollar for dollar if you invest a specific amount. Setting your financial goals for the future will help you measure your success by achieving them. Goals do not have to be years out it can be things like saving a vacation or something long-term like paying off student loans. Lastly, I would like to save for a rainy day. Unexpected expenses like a car repair or replacing a cracked phone screen that I would be able to do so with no problems. My Confidence Concerning Investing in My Future Since taking this financial course, I feel more confident in investing in my 401K plan. I enrolled in my 401k before taking this course, and I feel more confident investing 3
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