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Jan 9, 2024





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E x c e r p t f r o m S n o w a k e B e n t l e y by Jacqueline Briggs Martin In the days when farmers worked with ox and sled and cut the dark with lantern light, there lived a boy who loved snow more than anything in the world. Willie Bentley’s happiest days were snowstorm days. He watched snow akes on his mittens, on the dried grass of Vermont farm fi elds, on the dark metal handle of the barn door. He said snow was as beautiful as butter ies, or apple blossoms. 1 He could net butter ies and show them to his older brother, Charlie. He could pick apple blossoms and take them to his mother. But he could not share snow akes because he could not save them. 2 When his mother gave him an old microscope, he used it to look at owers, raindrops, and blades of grass. Best of all, he used it to look at snow. While other children built forts and pelted snowballs at roosting crows, Willie was catching snow akes. Day a er stormy day he studied the icy crystals. 3 eir intricate patterns were even more beautiful than he had imagined. He expected to fi nd whole akes that were the same, that were copies of each other. But he never did. Willie decided he must fi nd a way to save snow akes so others could see their wonderful designs. For three winters he tried drawing snow crystals. ey always melted before he could fi nish. 4 When he was sixteen, Willie read of a camera with its own microscope. “If I had that camera I could photograph snow akes,” he told his mother. Willie’s mother knew that he would not be happy until he could share what he had seen. 5 “Fussing with snow is just foolishness,” his father said. Still, he loved his son. When Willie was seventeen his parents spent their savings and bought the camera. It was taller than a newborn calf, and cost as much as his father’s herd of ten cows. Willie was sure it was the best of all cameras. 6 Even so his fi rst pictures were failures—no better than shadows. Yet he would not quit. Mistake by mistake, snow ake by snow ake, Willie worked through every storm. Winter ended, the snow melted, and he had no good pictures. He waited for another 7 Page 7 Session 1 GO ON Read this article. Then answer questions 8 through 14.
season of snow. One day, in the second winter, he tried a new experiment. And it worked! Willie had fi gured out how to photograph snow akes! “Now everyone can see the great beauty in a tiny crystal,” he said. But in those days, no one cared. Neighbors laughed at the idea of photographing snow. “Snow in Vermont is as common as dirt,” they said. “We don’t need pictures.” Willie said the photographs would be his gi to the world. While other farmers sat by the fi re or rode to town with horse and sleigh, Willie studied snowstorms. He stood at the shed door and held out a black tray to catch the akes. 8 When he found only jumbled, broken crystals, he brushed the tray clean with a turkey feather and held it out again. He waited hours for just the right crystal and didn’t notice the cold. If the shed were warm the snow would melt. If he breathed on the black tray the snow would melt. If he twitched a muscle as he held the snow crystal on the long wood pick the snow ake would break. He had to work fast or the snow ake would evaporate before he could slide it into place and take its picture. Some winters he was able to make only a few dozen good pictures. Some winters he made hundreds. . . . 9 But his snow crystal pictures were always his favorites. He gave copies away or sold them for a few cents. He made special pictures as gi s for birthdays. He held evening slide shows on the lawns of his friends. Children and adults sat on the grass and watched while Willie projected his slides onto a sheet hung over a clothesline. 10 He wrote about snow and published his pictures in magazines. He gave speeches about snow to faraway scholars and neighborhood skywatchers. “You are doing great work,” said a professor from Wisconsin. e little farmer came to be known as the world’s expert on snow, “the Snow ake Man.” But he never grew rich. He spent every penny on his pictures. Willie said there were treasures in snow. “I can’t a ff ord to miss a single snowstorm,” he told a friend. “I never know when I will fi nd some wonderful prize.” 11 Page 8 GO ON Session 1
Read this sentence from paragraph 1 of the article. I n t h e d a y s w h e n f a r m e r s w o r k e d w i t h o x a n d s l e d a n d c u t t h e d a r k w i t h l a n t e r n l i g h t , t h e r e l i v e d a b o y w h o l o v e d s n o w m o r e t h a n a n y t h i n g i n t h e w o r l d . How does the author’s word choice in the sentence a ff ect the meaning of the passage? A by suggesting that the ideas in the passage are made up B by showing that the subject of the passage became famous C by suggesting that the topic of the passage is familiar D by showing that the events in the passage happened long ago What is the meaning of the word “pelted” as it is used in paragraph 3? A created B found C saved D threw 8 9 Page 9 Session 1 GO ON
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Which quotation b e s t supports a main idea of the article? A “He expected to fi nd whole akes that were the same . . .” (paragraph 4) B “ ‘Fussing with snow is just foolishness,’ his father said.” (paragraph 6) C “Even so his fi rst pictures were failures . . .” (paragraph 7) D “ ‘Now everyone can see the great beauty in a tiny crystal,’ he said.” (paragraph 7) What does the information in paragraph 9 suggest about the author’s point of view? A e author believes that Bentley could have been more careful. B e author respects Bentley’s many di ff erent interests. C e author admires Bentley’s dedication. D e author questions the methods Bentley used. Which statement is true based on the information in paragraphs 6 and 11? A Bentley’s work with snow required expensive equipment that he was willing to spend all his money on. B Bentley was thought to be foolish throughout his life because of his interest in snow. C Bentley’s parents thought he should do something with his life other than taking pictures of snow. D Bentley became less interested in studying snow than in publishing pictures and giving speeches. 10 11 12 Page 10 GO ON Session 1
What does the reader learn about Bentley from paragraphs 10 and 11? A He was more interested in sharing his work than in making money from it. B He worked hard to develop a way of making photographs of snow akes. C He wanted to fi nd out if all snow akes were di ff erent from each other. D He was able to follow his interests because of the help he got from his family. Which sentence b e s t describes how the article is organized? A e reasons for Willie Bentley’s experiments with snow are presented, followed by their eventual conclusions. B e events of Willie Bentley’s life and his study of snow are described as they happened over time. C e di ff erent problems of photographing snow are explained and then Willie Bentley’s solutions are described. D e important ideas about snow in Willie Bentley’s discoveries are presented, followed by details and examples. 13 14 Page 11 Session 1 GO ON
E x c e r p t f r o m G r e g o r a n d t h e S h e e p by Toby Rosenstrauch In a valley in the highlands of Scotland, there once lived a young tenant farmer, Gregor, and his widowed mother. Although they worked hard, they could never accumulate enough money to buy the ock of sheep they longed to have, for their small parcel of land produced only modest amounts of oats and barley. To make matters worse, MacTavish, the owner of this and many other cro s, always found reasons not to pay the farmers all they had earned. . . . 1 crofts = small farms When he opened the door each morning and looked out, he saw MacTavish’s house on top of a mountain, a magni fi cent stone mansion surrounded by red, pink, and violet rhododendrons. Gregor o en climbed the slope and stood outside the iron gates, wondering what fi ne furnishings and delicious foods lay within. Neighbors claimed that MacTavish owned many houses and even kept a chest of gems under his bed. As Gregor, his mother, and their neighbors grew gaunt and pale with hard work and not enough food, they railed against MacTavish, who had swindled all of them at one time or another. 2 swindled = cheated or tricked One day, as Gregor listened to the bagpipe music that dri ed from the open windows of MacTavish’s mansion, he had an idea. at night, when his mother was asleep, he emptied the jug that held their money and counted it. A er putting back a few coins for food, he put the rest in his pocket. e next morning, he hurried to the market, where he went from farmer to farmer, asking the prices of sheep for sale. Gregor found many handsome animals, but they were all too expensive. When he reached a stall with scrawny and sickly sheep, the owner beckoned to him. . . . 3 Gregor shook his head and began to walk away. e man grabbed his sleeve and whispered in his ear, “ is one will make her owner rich!” Gregor examined the old 4 Page 12 GO ON Session 1 Read this story. Then answer questions 15 through 21.
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sheep with spindly legs and dirty, unkempt wool—the worst of the lot. “If she will make me rich,” said Gregor, “how is it that she has not done so for you?” e man paused, thinking. “I have not had her long enough!” 5 “Nonsense,” said Gregor, but he gave the man his money and led the pitiful animal home. 6 When his mother saw what he had bought with their money, she burst into tears. “My foolish son, what have you done? Now we will starve, and no one will help us!” 7 “Do as I say, Mother, and we will be rich. I promise.” 8 She wanted to believe him. Wiping her eyes with her ragged sleeve, she asked what he wanted her to do. 9 “Go to market and tell everyone that your son has a sheep that will make whoever owns her rich,” said Gregor. . . . 10 One morning, a carriage arrived. Two servants opened the door and a stout, well- dressed gentleman emerged. His Tartan kilt was made of the fi nest wool, his ascot was pure silk, and his shoes had silver buckles. On his fat fi ngers were eight gold rings, and his pomaded hair glistened in the sun. It was MacTavish! 11 Tartan kilt = traditional clothing worn by Scottish Highlanders ascot = a type of necktie Gregor bowed as if to royalty. MacTavish looked at him sternly. “I have come to rid you of the unfortunate sheep that everyone is talking about,” said MacTavish, opening his sporran. “I can pay your price and I will have her, even though she has done nothing for you, I see.” MacTavish sneered at Gregor. 12 sporran = a small bag worn at the waist for holding personal items Gregor hugged Dear One. “I will not sell her to you!” 13 At that, MacTavish, whose servants were helping him into his carriage, turned and marched back. “I will pay anything,” he said. “Name the price.” 14 Gregor was ready. “ at,” he said, pointing up to the mansion above them. “I will have the dwelling and everything in it—furniture, utensils, even the chest of gems under your bed.” 15 Page 13 Session 1 GO ON
“Done,” said MacTavish. 16 e next day, Gregor and his mother moved into the mansion that had once belonged to MacTavish, and MacTavish brought Dear One to the market so that all might see he could indeed own anything he wanted. en MacTavish and the sheep rode away in his carriage to another of his houses in a valley beyond the mountains. 17 A er months had passed and the sheep had done nothing to increase MacTavish’s riches, he realized he had been swindled. Furious beyond speech, he returned to the mansion, but Gregor would not open the gates. 18 “I have been cheated!” shouted MacTavish. 19 “You have not been cheated,” said Gregor. “I was the owner of the sheep, and she has made me rich, hasn’t she?” 20 “Yes, but . . . ,” sputtered MacTavish. 21 en you got what you paid for.” Gregor turned and walked away. 22 Soon a erward, Gregor sold the chest of gems and bought the huge ock of sheep he and his mother had always wanted. He shared the rest of his fortune with the other poor families of the valley who had been cheated by MacTavish. 23 Page 14 GO ON Session 1
How do paragraphs 1 and 23 relate to each other? A ey show the change in Gregor’s life during the story. B ey show what Gregor has learned in the story. C ey show how MacTavish changes in the story. D ey show the growth of MacTavish’s fortune during the story. What does the phrase “marched back” in paragraph 14 suggest about MacTavish? A He is confused. B He is worried. C He is determined. D He is excited. How are Gregor and the man who sold the sheep to him similar? A ey are both unskilled at selling things to people. B ey both try to trick someone in order to make money. C ey are both concerned with helping their family and neighbors. D ey both believe that animals can have special qualities. 15 16 17 Page 15 Session 1 GO ON
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Which of Gregor’s actions shows how he is di ff erent from MacTavish? A Gregor cheats another person. B Gregor buys a sickly sheep. C Gregor shares his wealth. D Gregor moves to a big house. Which sentence is true about Gregor and MacTavish? A MacTavish has a plan for how the sheep will make him rich, but Gregor does not. B MacTavish wants to own big houses and many jewels, but Gregor does not. C Gregor wants to move away to another land, but MacTavish does not. D Gregor is generous with his family and his neighbors, but MacTavish is not. Which sentence expresses a theme of the story? A Big loss can come from being greedy. B Family can make hard times seem easier. C Wealth may come from hard work. D Appreciating others can lead to happiness. 18 19 20 Page 16 GO ON Session 1
Which detail would be m o s t important to include in a summary of the story? A Gregor goes to the market and talks to many farmers about their sheep. B Gregor’s mother is asleep when Gregor takes money to buy the sheep. C MacTavish lives at another one of his houses a er he buys the sheep from Gregor. D MacTavish goes to buy Gregor’s sheep a er he hears rumors about the animal. 21 Page 17 Session 1 GO ON
is is the true story of a Kenyan woman named Wangari Maathai. E x c e r p t f r o m S e e d s o f C h a n g e : P l a n t i n g a P a t h t o P e a c e by Jen Cullerton Johnson “Come,” Wangari’s mother called. She beckoned her young daughter over to a tall tree with a wide, smooth trunk and a crown of green, oval leaves. 1 “Feel,” her mother whispered. 2 Wangari spread her small hands over the tree’s trunk. She smoothed her fi ngers over the rough bark. 3 is is the mugumo ,” her mother said. “It is home to many. It feeds many too.” 4 She snapped o ff a wild fi g from a low branch, and gave it to her daughter. Wangari ate the delicious fruit, just as geckos and elephants did. High in the tree, birds chirped in their nests. e branches bounced with jumping monkeys. 5 “Our people, the Kikuyu of Kenya, believe that our ancestors rest in the tree’s shade,” her mother explained. 6 Wangari wrapped her arms around the trunk as if hugging her great-grandmother’s spirit. She promised never to cut down the tree. . . . 7 When Wangari fi nished elementary school, she was eleven years old. Her mind was like a seed rooted in rich soil, ready to grow. Wangari wanted to continue her education, but to do so she would have to leave her village and move to the capital city of Nairobi. Wangari had never been farther than her valley’s ridge. She was scared. 8 “Go,” her mother said. She picked up a handful of earth and placed it gently into her daughter’s hand. “Where you go, we go.” . . . 9 As graduation neared, Wangari told her friends she wanted to become a biologist. 10 “Not many native women become biologists,” they told her. 11 “I will,” she said. 12 Page 24 GO ON Session 1 Read this article. Then answer questions 29 through 35.
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Wangari watched sadly as her government sold more and more land to big companies that cut down forests for timber and to clear land for co ff ee plantations. Native trees such as cedar and acacia vanished. Without trees, birds had no place to nest. Monkeys lost their swings. Tired mothers walked miles for fi rewood. . . . 13 When Wangari visited her village she saw that the Kikuyu custom of not chopping down the mugumo trees had been lost. No longer held in place by tree roots, the soil streamed into the rivers. e water that had been used to grow maize, bananas, and sweet potatoes turned to mud and dried up. Many families went hungry. 14 Wangari could not bear to think of the land being destroyed. Now married and the mother of three children, she worried about what would happen to the mothers and children who depended on the land. 15 “We must do something,” Wangari said. 16 Wangari had an idea as small as a seed but as tall as a tree that reaches for the sky. Harabee! Let’s work together!” she said to her countrywomen—mothers like her. Wangari dug deep into the soil, a seedling by her side. “We must plant trees.” . . . 17 Wangari traveled to villages, towns, and cities with saplings and seeds, shovels and hoes. At each place she went, women planted rows of trees that looked like green belts across the land. Because of this they started calling themselves the Green Belt Movement. 18 “We might not change the big world but we can change the landscape of the forest,” she said. 19 One tree turned to ten, ten to one hundred, one hundred to one million, all the way up to thirty million planted trees. Kenya grew green again. Birds nested in new trees. Monkeys swung on branches. Rivers fi lled with clean water. Wild fi gs grew heavy in mugumo branches. 20 Mothers fed their children maize, bananas, and sweet potatoes until they could eat no more. 21 Page 25 Session 1 GO ON
What idea is developed in paragraphs 4 through 7? A Wangari and her mother want to plant more trees. B Mugumo trees are important to people and animals. C Mugumo trees can provide shade to many people. D Wangari and her mother think education is important. Read this sentence from paragraph 8 of the article. H e r m i n d w a s l i k e a s e e d r o o t e d i n r i c h s o i l , r e a d y t o g r o w . What does the sentence help the reader to understand about Wangari? A She likes to think about plants. B She wants to keep learning. C She imagines ways to help others. D She believes in working together. How are the details in paragraphs 13 and 14 organized? A as a description of how animal habitats changed B as an explanation of the solution to a problem in the environment C as a comparison of the village before and a er the government sold the land D as a description of how a problem was caused in the area and its e ff ects 29 30 31 Page 26 GO ON Session 1
Paragraphs 17 and 18 explain that Wangari spread her idea by A sharing it with women around the country B giving it the name Green Belt Movement C watching the land in Kenya turn green again D planting trees herself everywhere she went Which sentence m o s t l i k e l y expresses Wangari’s point of view? A People can make the changes they want by working together with determination. B People change their traditions and customs with each generation. C People cannot rely on the government to help them in a time of need. D People in other countries do not need to work as hard on the same problem. How does the title of the article support a main idea? A It describes advice Wangari followed. B It describes how Wangari solved a problem. C It explains how Wangari felt about trees. D It explains which values Wangari’s village held. 32 33 34 Page 27 Session 1 GO ON
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Based on the information in the article, where did Wangari m o s t l i k e l y get her idea for planting trees across Kenya? A from the school she attended in the capital city B from the government of her country C from the women of the village where she grew up D from what her mother taught her as a girl 35 Page 28 Session 1 STOP