ENG 130 Module Two Written Response Template Audience Understanding
Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
Selected text you will use for your project: “Take a break!” by Nicole Peluse
Identify an audience for your project: The main audience for my project will be people with disabilities. The struggles of daily life and stress that they battle through and are trying to find ways to cope with their disability and manage stress.
Identify a second audience for your project: The secondary audience will include the family and close friends of those suffering from disabilities and the stress that result from it.
Describe the writing situation
for your project: My writing situation will analyze how both audiences are
connected in their own way to disability induced stress and how stress concerns impact both audiences. My project will focus on the rising health concerns regarding stress and the importance of finding ways to manage stress to better oneself or those around us.
Explain why each audience is appropriate
for the content and writing situation: As individuals, we either
have or know someone who has a disability and knows the stress brought on from the disability. Both audiences want and need help to manage stress to keep health concerns from rising. Finding the help will benefit both audiences.